Attention is called to the new advertisement of the Dodge
Co, Mutual fire Insurance Co. Of the principle upon
which this and other mutual companes are based we can
add nothing to what has already been *id. It simply re-
mains for us to say In this connection, that the  pany
above named Is one of the soundest in the country- taiking
no risks except upon country property or buddinga hr re-
moved from each other, always promptly paying for all
losses, and, in nll respects, so far as we have been able to
lean, conducting its business In a prudent and honorable
manner. The report for 1602 shows the company to be In
an excellent condition. and a personal acquaintance wtih
some of the principal officers and directors induces the be-


  Twenty-acre iem   am, Philladelplia-4e the adver.
fivement of Chas R. IALsa

  Garden sed4, arm aned Garden Implementa f   sis by
John Vaiderbilt, Now York.

  See advertisement of PItisburgh, Fort Wayne & Chipo
BL    This    amcm of the finest ralwaysin the U.  nd
V   re glad to know that t is doing a fn buasnus. Yi
beat route to northern Ohio, Philadelphia or Wasdinles.

  Milwaukee t Chicago B. I.-A good roed and weld eon
ducted-oefice and eonductons generous an  obling.-
Bee advertisement.
Racfne ; MIisdisippi R. B-completed so the Ilidnslp.
pi river and In good condition throughout
C. Btaoux, of New York, olbrs Nurnery stock.

lief that this condition will continue so long as they have  Thom. }islop
of Milwaukee, keeps a fne stock of hem,
Its affairs in charge,                                garden and lower seeds.
He Is an enterprising And fir
  The Madison Seed Store and Grocery is doing a fine bus- dealer and eoys
a large paironage,
ineas this spring in every department. The proprietors  J. F. Morrison has
a valunabhe Jck for sale. We are glad
seem determined to deserve a universal patronage, and we  to see that there
Is a growing interest in this Important
have no doubt their commendahbe efforis will be largely re- brach of stock-radIng.
warded.                                                 A new Wisconsin Seedling
Strawberry is introduced by
  The White Willow advertised by J. C. Plumb, Is believed  Judson Prentice
o Watrtown. See dversement.
to be the genuine article, and as he offers the cuttings at
but little more than half the price at which orders are ts           STATEMENT
ken by most of the traveling agents, purchasers In this                 
Slate will of course find It to their Interest to buy of him in
preference.                                           Mad&0on MNOW  
            irAe Company,

The liet of Agricultural works advertised In last and pres-      yOR THE
ent numbers of Fmmla Is that from which we propose to
           rb4.,, onr fleA  rlhtriE~il. -. . .....T.......      111R  PI1WR51
   A f_ ism

many books of great vlue and It is hoped that we shall
have the opportunity to award large numbers to our
agents. See advertisement and again look at the Prize list
in Prospectus.

  Madam Demorest's Sewing Machine has not yet been
fairly tested by n; though oneof th m is In the hands of
an Ingenious lady whom verddot shall be published In next
n-u-er. It should be understood at the ouiset that It Is
capable of making but one stitch-the running.

  Mr. I. Gould, Nurseryman of Beaver Dam, whose stock
is advertised il this number, hua the reputation of being &
careudl mnd skilful cultivator, and on the endorsement of
those who have dealt with him we have no hesitation in
re-endorsing himto the public. His Descriptive Catalogue
will be sent to any who desire it.

  Cemstock's Rotary Spader, advertised by Comstock &
Gieddon, should have been iaatratiL to this number, but
the cuts were delayed somewhere  n their way ftom New
York and have not reached us yet. The Scipinf'c diner-
icos, the beat judge ot Joplements an machinery In gen-
etil, gives It a prominent place among the Invenlions dr
signed for preparlng tme sU hr seed and we are oerseff
quito sanguine that It lr, Aw   sells favorable to l' Wse,
eventually nmperoede the plow. In the next sumber look
oit for the "S8pader."

nalle to the Governor of the FStae of Wisconsin, ee re-
quired by the provirions of ehapter log, of the General
Laws of 1ilS.
Total amount of accumulation ,...........  $327,.4   67

Unimpaired premium notes of
  policy holders .....     $2i1,000 07
Cash on hand and dee f
  policy holders and ages
  for cash premiums ......... 46,4t4 So
OGice furniture and       ,    1,00000;...    l, O t f327,4A4 67
Whole No. policies Isld .    ...............  22,01
Ain't of onnding risks thereon ........ $16,92.000 00
Number of pohlisXs issued in 1862, ........    7.706
Ain't of outstanding rlss thereon ........ $6,069,813 00
Amit premium notes therion ............   10S,821 96
Ai't cash premiums thereon, less commis-
  alone to agents ........................  46,72 80
Amut intereeb received ..................    97218
Total ain't losses reported during 182, ..  $17,744 10
Total am't los  paid durmd  1862, 89 in
  number.                                  21,411 GI
Ami't claimed for lie, red"is   fieudest    2.000 0o
Le    adjusted andd  .............            no
Losses adjusted and notdue...........         none
Lass unadjustedl....................         .... 292 85
Al other claims against the eompany ...*.*     97 D0
Am'tpeld hr advertising and postage,....   .1,763t
Ain't paid far priming ................  0...     o t
A  'pide  pollay, dst5Ia ..............      600 00
Ar,'t tdd  t  to COer Initnel PfnU              2i 02
Zxpae paid, indig anl oasipenatlod
to Offlom ad Diecors statio.n , extra
ceark hiM , iel, igh, and other beldant-
Al ezmmse...... . .....................   7.,0 08

I -_ -                                                                  
                      -  ,     - -

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