left England in disgust, and gone to Paris.
   Russia, though still golding on to Poland,
has, nevertheless, taken one more long stride
towards a constitutional government, which
alone seems wanting to insure to her a future
of unrivalled greatness among the nations of
the old world. This new ground of hope is
found in the recent speech of the Emperor
Alexander, on occasion of opening the Diet of
Finland, at Helsingfors, Sept. 19, in which he
intimates an intention to summon occasional
meetings of the Diet, and to put that body on
a sort of initiative constitutional footing.
His speech ended with the following significant
words, which have been interpreted to mean
that he intends to place other parts or all of
his dominions on a similar footing: "It be-
longs to you, representatives of the grand-
duohy, to prove by the dignity, moderation
and calmness of your discussions, that in the
hand. of a wise people, and one who are de-
termiied to labor in concert with their sove-
reign, and in a practical spirit, for the devel-
opmnent of their prosperity, liberal ntitoo,
far from beng a danger, become a guaranty of
orfr ad of progp'ity. I deelare the present
Diet opened."
  Ausrla is considerably excited on the ques-
tioa of the acceptance by the Archduke Max-
iinilian, of the crown of Mexico, so generously
offered by Louis Napoleon.  His possible
Majesty received the Mexican deputation on
the Od ult. at Vienna, and graciously express-
ed his willingness to sacrifice his chances for
the crown of Austria and rule over the Mex-
ioan republicans, if they (the Mexcan people)
are unanimous in their wishes and the Great
Powers of Europe will make him secure I
  The Poish Struggle still goes on, and Eng-
land and Austria have both declared their
determination not to interfere. France, all
the while anxious to unite those two powers
lrith her, feels deeply insulted by the recent
haughty and defiant answer of Prince Gorts-
chalk, the Russian Prime Minister, to the
remonstrance of the three Powers.
  The Danish Government has commenced

preparwUon   JUr a- p- u

Germany, and issued an order that the regi-
mental lists shall be filled up to war strength
by the 1st of October.
  The lonian Islands, for many years depen-
dencies of England, are allowed to join the
the Kingdom of Greece.
  The Rebellion In St. Domingo still rages,
but the accounts which reach this country
are very indistict and confused. One story
is that the Spaniards have already lost over
2,000 In killed and wounded, and that from
20,000 to 30,000 rebels are in the field.
  The Condition of Mexico is truly deplora-
ble. Bands of remorseless guerillas infest
every part of the country, and are plunder-
ing and murdering friends and foes of the
Republic without distinction. Jaurez is pow-
erless to restore order. Ports blockaded.


  JI The EAlter of this Journal will spend
a portion of his time the coming winter in
delivering free public lectures on Industry, in
such localities as he has not visited hitherto.
He has also in preparation several lectures
on themes of general and national interest,
for the delivery of which he is ready to make
arrangements with such lecture associations
as may choose to communicate with him.
The following are titles of three of the lectures
of the class last mentioned:
  "Napoleon in Mexeco."
  "Our Heroes."

  The Farmer for 1864 will be richer in mat-
ter and in every respect more valuable than
any volume hitherto published.
The practical departments will have the
added help of several able writers who here-
tofore either have not contributed at all, or
but seldom; while the interest of the general
reader will be very much increased by a
monthly budget of highly pleasing and in-
structive correspondence from some of the
most interesting portions of the Old and New
World. not asham.e   #t th.. nut ttnt -.


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