THE       WISCONSIN FARMER.                           

to the use of food which, from the indecent Arizona be within cannon-shot
of the truth,
way of its being served up to us, was calcula- it is about the last country
in the world for
ted to disgust the appetite and produce an agriculture.
inevitable loathing. Well, there is much less  The San Jose Mercury thus
sets it off:
difference between man and most of the gram-'  "Take a large dry goods
box, fill it half full
niverous animals than we are wont to suppose. ?f sand, and put in a few rough
stones, throw
                                             in an armfull of " cactus,"
and a thimblefull
  Whatever will contribute to the relish and of water in one corner, put
in a horned rat-

good feeling, in a word, to the gene.
ral satisfaction of an animal, will it
the same proportion promote healti
and facilitate fattening. This is a
principle of feeding which should not
be forgotten or ignored. And yet
nothing is more common, even with
those farmers who take the trouble te
provide racks and troughs, as herein
urged, than to allow the depositories
of provinder to become foul and dis-
agreeable to such an extent as to de-
prive them of a good share of the
advantages they were intended to
secure. But of this at another time.
It was our purpose in this article to
urge, first, the value of racks in gen-
eral, and, secondly, to present the
particular merits of the one illustra-
  If anv should find it impracticable
to supply their stock with such racks,
on account of the expense, let them
resort to the use of forks and poles;
for racks of some sort will assuredly
  Persons desiring farm, town, or
state rights, may apply to D. M. As-
pinwall, General Agent, Farmington,
Jefferson Co., Wis.

                 Tough OOUI~7                tlesnake, a horned toad, a lizard,
a tarantula,
              A Tough 0ontry                 a centipede, a scorpion and
a wild thistle,
  You have all heard of our new Territory of then take a bird's-eye view
of it, and you
                                             have in miniature a fair description
of the
Arizona, organized just recently by Uncle beautiful, fertile Arizona-at least
of the
Samuel in a portion of New Mexico-of its greater portion of it."
inexhaustible mineral resources, &c.  The   Ex-Governor Bashford, whose
brother is
mineral wealth it undoubtedly possesses, but, Surveyor General of the Territory,
and who
if some of the descriptions we have seen of I is himself at least temporarily
settled there