I -                 THE WISCONSIN FARMER.                               

they now embrace all shades of color
from pure white to dark purple. Some
of the varieties are beautifully "eyed,"
others brilliantly striped.  They bloom
continually through the season, and con-
stitute a very attractive feature of the
  The cut herewith presented to our read-
ers represents the species known as
 Here we have another class of highly
Drnamental plants, blooming throughout
the season, and very attractive, not only
by reason of the form and texture of the
lower, but likewise for the many beauti-
'ul shades and markings, including white,
yellow, scarlet, crimson, blue, &c., splash-

---au anurbled in the most varied and
beautiful manner.

-practice tells the eye whether or not
required. The collar of the plant shows
t. Better still, knock at the pot. if it
sounds hollow, water; if it gives a muf-
led sound, don't.
Watering when not required sours the
earth, and the fibres of the root will rot.
'o correct sourness, pour hot water-40
r 60 degrees Reaumur-if that won't do,
Worse than too often watering is too
eldom watering. Once neglected, water
ittle and often till normal health is re-

                   ALPIGLO85S.                   In warm days, the surface
may appear
               Pretty flowes,               moist and the root may be dry;
plunge in
  A few more that deserve universal cultiva-  Water in the morning in preferenoe,
tion.  The Phloxes ate all beautiful and we rater in     ter.
are glad to see they are becoming so common
in the gardens of town and country.  Always  Let the water be of equal temperature
very pretty, they have been very much im- I the sir; the plant should be
kept from gaa;
proved of late by skillful cultivation, so that keep the soil loose.-From
the GermAn.

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