Editorial wotes or zuropeen Travel
have been crowded out this month by Notes
of Home Travel.

  Who are You?-- Mu. J. H. HorT--Dear
Sir:-I send you one dollar for my subscrip-
tion for the FARMER, and a stamp for the straw-
  The foregoing letter, without date and with-

out signature,-money all right-came just
recently in an envelope post-marked Ladoga.
If our anonymous friend will favor us with
his name, we will gladly sendhiin the FAxrER
and put him on the strawberry list.

  Our Article og Wool in the Stock Rog-
iaser was printed before our great victories in
July, and the consequentt decline of; gold.
Within limltatians determinied by actual im-

perative demand, wool and wheat, being ta
plea, will fluctuate with gold: which lat,
therefore, may be looked to as a pretty reliable
indicator.  Let us have the vietopies, eren
thowo wool should go down to B0 cestts!

  Importation of Sheep from the East.
-Mr. C. H. Jones, of Sun Prairie, the same
who recently sold a buck to Moses Chase for
$100, goes to Vermont t6 purchase other sheep
for introduction West. We are glad to see this
disposition to improve the breed of our seeep.

   8orghum    Xachineryz  I &C.-In answer
 to many enquiries in relation to machinery
 &c., we feel bound to say that we have yet to
 be made acquainted with any Cane Mill better
 than the "Climax Adjustable Sugar Mill,"
 manufactured by E. IV. Skinner, of Madison;
 or any Evaporator superior, all things consid-
 ered, to Cook's.

   Horse-Hoes &c.-A     letter, making en-
 quiries in relation to implements of this kind,
 dated Stoughton, May, 1863. and signed " G,"
 came during our absence, and could not be an-
 swered in time to make the answer of use this
 season. At n convenient time we shall publish
 the enquiries and answer them.

   What's become of all the Spinning
 Wheels?-Mr. J. R. Crocker, of Belleville,
 has ransacked Madison and the surrounding
 towns but finds not one,-that is, of the good
 old sort.  The enquiry is suggestive, if not
 important, and somebody should be able to an-
 wspr it.

  &Cwhine Wanted.-Will you inform me
through your esteemed paper whether and
where a machine is to be got to      "pill " barley
with to prepare it for cooking ! C. WIELAND.
BZATzz BAY, LAke 0o, Minn, May 11, 1U0.


Madison Mintim1 I        . Oe.-Some very import-
ant figures illustrative of the bu _neee of this fouishing
Company for the six months ending June 30, 1803 will bp
found, as furnished by the able Sec'y at the close of the
Annual Report of said o., on the 2d page of our Adver-
thing Dept. It appears that the number of members at
that date was 2,000, No. PoUcies 27,35, total ain't accu-
mulations $28,827 19. Probably few companies In any
country can pretat a better record. We believe, as here-
tofore, that there 4 no better or safer Wo. In the world.
The season le at hand wherein the farmers are partien-
larly 1iable to suffer los by  nre an&lightning, and it is
far more witt a view to their protetien than to any In-
tereet of this Co, or any other, that we would urge them
to make their hard earnings secure without delay.
E. Seutkwiek & Bela, of Danaville, N. Y, ad-
vertse in this No. Trees, vine "c for e11 trade.
0. B. Maxwell &        Co. advertise Pear and Plum
trees, and a general assortment of Nursery Stock.
Great Western Nureeries."-ee advertise-
minto ol Reoter A MaddocksTolebo, 04io. Agea4 wanted


               OfB TBPC  IA
Madqon    Mutual Insuran        Company,
         DECEMDU 81, A. D., 1%60.
Wade to the Governor of the State of Wisecosin, as re
quired by the provislons of ahapter 103, of the Genea
Laws of 18M.
Total amount of accumulations ...... .....  $327,464 67
               -i  ASSETS.
Unimpaired premium notes of
  policy holder  ..    . $281,000 07
Cash on hand and due from
  policy nolder. and agents,
  forcash premiums ......... 464"4 00
Offlice urture ad fixtures...  1,000 00   327,454 67
Whole No. poUdces Issued .   ...............   22,061
Ain't of ouistanding risks threoa ........ $16 000 00
Number of policies isued in 1862 ........      7.706
AWLt of outstanding risks thereon ........ $6,000,623 00
AmIt premium notes thereon ..... .......  108,823 9J
Am't cash presilums thereon, lm commis-
  sions to Agents . .......................  45,727 80
Amit interest received ......... ..........  972 18
Total ain't losses reported during 1862, ...  $17,74 16
Total ain't losses paid durihig 1862 89 in
  number        ................................21,41397
Ain't claimed for loss, resisted as fraudulent  2,000 00
ss  Aj1,td and due..................   none.
Losses adjusted and not due ..............     none.
Losses unadjusted ............9............  22 65
AU other claims against the company  ......   97 r0
Ain't paid for advertising and pos ,g....   1,763
Ain't paid for printing .........46..........  0 b
Ain't paid for policy stamps ..... .........  600 00
Ain't paid t   to Com', Internal Revenue      82 02
Expenses paid, including all compensation
  to Offices and Directors, stationery, extra
  clerk hire, fuei, tights, and 6ther Incident-
  I expenses...... ................    7,230 98