
  Pear btIght,.      14........I, 18'2,224 Shae& trees, lset out.........~
 2631 Tour, Editor's to Wahngtnn..3
      for market ............ 33     and fruit . ............  145
      on qSinn, .............  17  Sheds for cattle, .............  446
  Patrelseun as fuel.............. Sheep, fine wool..............286    
  Petunia, (ilumtrated5) .........221  aind wool  ...........3.27
  peglging down re  ..............=22 raialngiu Minnesota, .......327UntdSaeadRus,
  Pickles, how to mse............... 307  husbandry, Importance to U.  Unite
States an R a...e.
  Pictures,...................268     S ....................2Univ, rslty.
  Pie, haMOn ........ .............267  husbandry, ",breeding"
in .... 468  comI shol,     3l
     beef............... .....428   and dog law ..........I17       cmmriach
schows ........ 28
  Pipes, water lime for......raising....:33
  Plowing, reasons for fill. 30.... ;4  lever .*............... :  7  cotton
culture ...........9
       doubl....211                 give us more about,........139
    deeps anld chinch........bug .... 138  grub in head trf........176, 410
    whums wild    . mr........146  metProfitable...........254
    whynotgrw.mre          334     shaing, when      .'
    Punologicall terms.....10,416       selection of flocks.IslanPairWo 
  Pest office law, new ..   2 .......87  French merino .176.......   Ventilate
, our bedrooms .......362
  Popular ral S.................1322   washing......... 177,06 Vsisefcosoo
  Pork'vs. poul try,.............107 wor..ms7 26                   eS S Initofs
head....... 1
               I.        56, 134     beat climate for.h       1  Vinegar,
          P~~rt~gal at world's fair . 444~~~1 Srub-', climbing and trailing,..
144 Vines, Plating...............427
          Poisoning by ivy . ~~~342 Shot, effec~t of on vessels .........
110 Vineiyards, Reblm and Atwoods,
          Poultry vs. pork,. iui~~~10Shark, attempt to catch........233 
                   436, 485
          houses,(illustated,) 258, 372 Ships, England's ............. 2
 Virginia, West, by M~rs. floyt, 125, 168
       Pond mud   .~~~~~~....94 Sinners, too good for ..........231
       Potato rot, cure.......1. &Sire and dam, influence of on     
     introdune into U. S........ 5    young ................217
     in haste................ 429 Skate, mtiy, we girls ..........32 Wr nefc
fte......... 2
 Podding, bread, Ac ........267, 428 Songgit..  ................  War, Nanoleff'sct
of th. 423.......1-
 Puddings ..................468 So,4,---,.................        NIdapolen'
martn 0...........115
 Practical affairs, short chaptersf  Soldiers, how to write to.......156
      ona................. 4o1 Ssdrosoc'rtri.'t5            156 Wales, uew
Souths,at Wold's PFsir, 401
                           .241  Spanish buck,  Washer," (11105) 411
Washington City, by Mrs. Hoyt, 489
 Primes for 1804...............395 Speculation, chance for........289 "1Washce,"
Spanish buck, (lllust) 411
 Prounlri; in midlsummer ....... 26  Spider's industry. ...........234 Water
for the prairies.........241
 Prussia, Editor's travels in...434, 471 Spring. make ready for ........8
 for stock, pure............286
                     Q.            ~~~~~~~~house...........        7  Waterloo,
and the battle of the
                                 Spinning c,.tton, in Russial 6      windmill
                                 Spits.', (illustrated.) ..........4Water
lime for pipes ..........339
 Quarrels, origin of........... 467 Squas, pudding ............6  WellIs,
coat of ..............243
 Queensland at world's fair,. tlt. Statistics o Europe.......... 4Z  Whaesscol038
          Quince, pears on . 17    ~~~~~~~~~naeetional............... Wheat
griwiog vs. stock raising, 177
                                        ~~~~~terestin~~~~~ . 6  Wheat-growing
doesn't pay.172
                                   tokJournal, Americ~n,.......215  maiu
                                   pure water fur   .2...8......t....323
 Rtace, lowest,................'I  take cars of............. 10     ixed
with oats ........... 3201
 Raspberries .37........... .4, 466  raising vs. a heat.growig,i.. 177  ndepchinch
 Rteattty vs. imagination........216 Story, anIdin': 167            dofept
of............. soin . 23
 Iteeding stories .............21 7Staggers in sheep.... . .......217  coffene
 .         232C ..........6
 Reciiws ......... ..........2  St raw hives ...... . 1.........I82  rcin
tsWinnbg Co............. 65
 E' aeocning of aotimals.........100 Straw, questiot,, the . 8..... 21 40
 Wifereeipts o.f............Ib
 Rtesources ot France, a flitsr .  9  good us  omake of... .1 .....13  Whiitree
nellw ............9 0 2
 Rhine, Edlitor's voyage down the, '4 3  economical disposition, 56  Wine
   Ripnig of fruits............33      17, 211................214       
                    222teradbakery.. 4
 Roof and cisterns,............24:1 Strashourg, Editor's viit.......271 
eit-lderberr and..blackberry....... I543
 Rtome a. world's lair ..........444 Strawber.,v culture...........259 i
lanyr-illng,. . patsfr.....415
 Roots, grow more ............73    the prize............ . 18 7   layin
down.. plants...for... 415....9
 Rotation of crops ............246; Stretches; In sheep, cure.....287'  Wterig'
fo.q ............. .290
 Ruseia, cotton sptnning in . f.....9  Striped bog ........ ..  Wikcousi:
banks .............382

                                 Sufng     .~llme.............  Wives and
husbands, a lesson fur 342
                     S.         .iil    b.1etterpirtce
                                Sugar catte mill, (illussrated.)  at0 ,home
and abroad........89
Sacirificest of American woolen,... 23 Swine, fattening .............326
Saddla horsues.2.............52 Switzerlantd, Editor's travels in,  fn,'.P
..              8
Sand, preserving flowers   - In 23  36 , 0, 120. 197 .......... 3  neif she.286....:......
iSsenec for Puddings .   468       Hlon. P. 1D.Intelon in7......440  gr.wing!.287
Saw mill, thefirst,...........5                                   8
Sea, wonier', of............21, 117T.                                St west,................
Seeds, hew to germinate........179                                 test,...................176
Be-d, covering grass. .........1.33 Tasmania at worldso Fai  9s   tytng up
S eoding dea n erchards,......29 Tatgo             .          8      in eton~ach
of lasab,.......13
Seed~ilg strawberries, (iilu~t.)... 294 Teacher, office 01 the ...........2
 Woman' workl .............3190
          Sedloo.....................22IelgapAtlantic..........469  Womtens
ton help.utre1tw.....
Seeds of Ambalematotbacco .....136  Telegraph, itupror'etnenutsn  110Wrtsonticuteo.
Sex, question of. ............437  Thorough cultivation ........-249
bchool house dedications .......25 Thorough bred barns .........453     
           stove. the old.26   Thra hing ...............
Schools; public of. Wisconsin.72  Tiger trapping ..............346 Yeddo
grape ..................6
Sctatchss. how to core ........60  Tiniber, durability of,..........321
Self-seating cane .............342 Toads, humanity vs .......... 29     
September, euggeetions for.....315 Tobacco, Anbalems...........136
Sh.kspears on ths military siftu  Top-dres'sing grass lands....... 3iA  Zealand,
New. at Worldl's Fair,... 401
    ation .................118I Tyrants, hoems...............74  Zinnia,....................22

~~~~ -1~I
