i' W Y.tC 0 N';S1 N - A B M  Ri.

   'Ii511.-E.. J! TTi. ,    V' 4 D,  0. .

   SeyP*eit~r   igrtidnd  utstheitsu'a
'a ' tame fbir odttyeat f*ois the  Eat  pi nfiug
out. If they do not swell readily in spriitg
take a fine rose sprinkler, and jst at sundown
each night spr1XaM Wth9:to*p.0' If the ground
becomes hard ar and the roots, loosen it with
the hoe an isch deep, A'd th ee ver Wt'yith
three ischs. deep 'of ShwuSi, %a bwlpthp
dirt,; or any other litter that w,;l gepe it again
from dryini, ana prevent aniy great changes f'o
tempjeit4da or 'toiture in tih sbil about the
rao4 ,tnd 2~szs - rmin in thgqir inationaad
gzrowth. ,This is called mulchsin g, ad should
'aclways be ptit arounrd ti~es In the fall tn kbeep
lhetns from being acted apan be-the frost lev-

  If by any accident a tree has itq ltk rubb ,ed
off, or broen, trim it smooth with a sharp
knife, buy avoid rubbing a'y ehirtho'drprepara-
tion of any kind over it; Iloft toucied, ex-
cept  the  smqota  thi, n isg,, ~  will  soou .,e~.i
over. When newly planted trees orvines have
'to C'c ini'Oir4Qs lWtd, Ad is s6bbetidr~sthe case,
when inesr the hoasej the earth, sbouad b* kept
mellow and light a foot or more in dianmeter
beyond the area of the branclies; snd to Y'eep
'tlte tippenrane gdbd; :fhb ilch'nady be df new
nown gram, renhwed from week teweekci or bs
fast  ~i  o st s  brown.  jnxthe  u u p . b
  f t,*%itu ,bevslron  ,     j~qautumnr suchi
trees should have a coat of  11 i'iotted manure
tixed with ltie lalid .'all oyt the ptktiotty
muslcheA oiacl, 9ap4 loft, d ,o 1q djpsolYve .nd
conveyed to thc roots by the frosfjt ,and rains
of winter.
  Shoultl a tree or trees 4esAibit anyv feebleness
'tii gtIo~h,lor' Its Waik rbekbs me nides  rough,
*watei ior rather, rh it. wel with stxorng "*p
zudg or weak Iye water; tpis will not only give
renewed action to the bark, liVi destroy 1'+ty
siJ~eeta that nay'4 ve'fastenedto'i't. d
  0Or crorb  to be grown, semong treest durinI
tOeir. early, 3 0X of unt4. Lhcy yrgquirg tbe
whole of the land,all grains and grasses are to
be avoided, and potatoes, tomatoes, etc. atlopt-
ed. A A"ferf'gobd'way is to c'altivale'thb lnd
durting tleetrly ,par4 of. the saton,=withihorA
,and cultivtor,. and in August sow turnips
w'ben the turnips are groWn, 'jsl1and  no
the bot 9t1i*f the b~4oones, sad4rn te poi
sits with tQqtops~,nd rIeAth, by using, ligsul
one-horse plow, and fplowing only two or tihree
It'che's deep." 'of 'die's'the' Id eveTf  fhlt,-lW
tioie aieh'i.isath good, tuwellfotte(4 oompoat-
ed manure, or iilp1linpfibonF d   or and
other special manure as the land may deman'd.
PlAts bf dirarY tK'W;Inl the gatdeh'a.Se es'dlesi
red f691by muleiog      V~u$ed.au l o1se foW w
inches Ng                      W~htlpkelfanUdulStltl]pt
inces dmeis t  e k-Opin down the weeds,  (
the land  iiglit, lose, an  t!uiAW14 f'invi'mopt-
turieknd molisture.-Ohio Farmer.

I '' 1§"fIPa nR Ii ,jnI 7, i4 S .>.w,1 , 1.~ .b,I
, . :hpugh   '4~ec m ~  Fepgosop~pipR exsta;p
to the prsprietj of kavy ptuding-at tbiu Ue,
tXile is nb dotlbt'Wbt &tls *le~e d**hl~s
b'eqmi4gcted .il       it, it40f44 bi pryj-
ly attended to.     '   i.    Aii f ' *-i4
           'se i last- 1Wtj7y1efs, prabtteed
zi;;e    pfkniar,g,-tir     ot niurplus
B~o°St of IJ:B q    .to~t to rendet1%  pan e Qf
the tree vigorous for August budding; and we
always found stdc'Cvot; to harden without
decay, and heal overj rapidly and le~lthy.
  In vigorous Irees in the nursery. or orchard,
very heavy pruning ma; inoduce i Wte growth,
which will not ripen su1iciently tp twithstand
the winter; but moderata pr'P lg, especially
of side shoots and suckers_, where needed,
should not be delayed. It will be found per-
fectly safe, will require no appacation, except
in case of large Aiiubsv wlher;e ;wQisWbp well
to apply a cement composed of gum shellac
dissolved in alcohql to the cbshtqhp~ of, mu-
cilage.  A thin eoatipg tubbed on with the
finger or swab will be perfectly impervious to
thc Weather.
  Look out for suoLers frwthaxrodts of your
choice roses, especiaily if btadd est,dgks, they
shoot so rapidly after thihs time tha4 they often
prove dazigerou8srCb5rs.'
  The same may be bald of giTc 'nes allow
no young wood to grow below the fruit, or
from the bdste-ofyI M4 .b'edigt"'wiie; for it is
XrigJU, here.that. t.bq pqri~ty, ef.,peo faA to
~tztwpalatabo' ttrapes, or vinegwstich caas pro-

  ;  PLEA.S&N2! EAaT*Uza.r-AIny .,Pe"OaS,
tqwticularilgttdienj dislike to us.tjbe qcrd~iea
fentilisera fer  otbhevbarn, or poolsW  yardon
1overa sad other hoUse ,panta, ,
Iknowt'.? sewds tte follosinsgfotitliesAgnicultur-
lt, which isfgood; o on9y .4,0timiul-Wihoua
iplants,4eht oroulmdoop!plants of abn" O"eMy
,inisL I il~is El@eobe-jllf tR .thsee-fiwx#,ls0 *La
ounce   ,M3*hW* of. amiwoniRa, o(ohlinoed
db16plyfat t drntgist'M) .inon b     Us-
Aer. - Apply it. dnoe a. week, 4M hen, ,"INto
rnwimg.plants;. .Iti! may 4e  aged wiwAhprxait
ibeaeigion bed.ef jetraiburies, on .pwi,on
idyE pearsongrape;rvise  dablia,*; &DA feore 1
kindiofi.-poV pkhtstaf TU& s. aurj.narwsoe
dhe siaeof the eiageg of,,las, &Ad gRim.a

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