382               THE WISCONSIN FARMER.

should be corrected would be by the establish- of three years corresponding
with the date of
ment of new factories by honest capitalists, our last returns, August 5th:
or by men interested in a reduction of price. |      >
But thin requires time and large means, and
with all the contingencies of sudden fall and |              =
unfair competition, is so much of a risk that ,  e e     _     -°_ d
                                                            ej2R: C.
but few have been disposed to venture it.                        : O2c
  it is not more factories of this sort that we      e =
want; there are probably enough already to' ,                          r
supply the large demand. re want simply |                          E   .
decent horesty on the part of manufacturers                      : -
already in the business. For this we shall
probably have to wait some time. There is no                     -     ,
law against rascally combinations of this sort,                    -
except the law of common honesty and simple
justice, which the robbers of these corrupt ^
times seem but little disposed to regard.  '                      -     8

        The Pennsylvania Iron Business.

  The iron districts are said to have made !                        -
good progress within the past year, under the

stimulus of a constant demand for iron at re-
munerative prices.      The following is a con-
densed exhibit of this branc, of industry for
the year 1862:
Furnaces in blast in Lebanion Valley ..................  6
Pig iron manufgctured, tone .............................. ,
Frnasce in blost in 6h buylkill district ..............  17
Producing of pig iron. tons ................................ 50,000
Furnaes in Lehigh diat....................................  20
Producing of pig iron, tnls .............. .............. 175,918
Furnaces in Susquelsanna alley ........................  10
Producing of pig iron, tUns.............................. 5.6,000
  Several extensive rolling mills have been
added to those already existing. Amount of
iron rolled in Pennsylvania during the year,
about 280,000 tons.       Value, $15,000,000, or
nearly $3,060,000 more titan in 1860.


  Wisco,,sIN BANKs.-The statement of the
Wisconsin Banks on the (;th of July was as
Capital                          '0t...................................................
S3,497,00   0
Circulation ......................................  ,436,109  00
Deposits...                       - 278.905 64
Specie....................................................  136,38  77,
Cash items..................................... ......  10,508 85
Public sec,,ritiea ...................................  '.1. 1

              Bank of England.

  The following comparative table will be of
interest, affording as it does a view of the
bank returns, the bank rate of discount, and
{ho m1Cro Vf Cliont in tndn  ui       ero

          THE MINER.

          Gold Xines of Nova Scotia.

  It is reported that the gold mines of Nova
Scotia, of which so much boast was made last
year at the Great Exhibition, are proving
themselves less valuable tItan had been sup-
posed. In this we are not disappointed. They
gave but little real promise then, in the esti-
mation of competent, unhiassed judges. But
then, the Exhibition afforded the zealous Sco-
ian so gooS an opportussntfy fus ~tvorltoO5£

I ians so good no opporLun1ity Io aV' rb
the natural advantages of their bleak, trans-
Atlantic province, and they could not resist
the temptation to use it

          An Immense Iron Deposit.

  In a late number the Lake Superior Tournal
says that recent explorations show the deposit
of iron ore, embracing what is known as the
St. Clair Mountain, on the Esconawba river,
to be very much more extensive than was sup-
posed.  West of the river it not only skirts
along on the south side of sections I and 2,
but covers the entire north half of section 11,
and also that of section 12, being nearly two
mileQ in length and about three-quarters wide,


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