THE WISCONSIN FARMER.                                

 Oneremarkableinstaaceocurredifnleigh- selves of the great bonefits of the
drill who
boringtown,last season: Twoneighbor pur- otherwise could no- until heir lands
chased ai drill between them, and when the more cleared.
sowing season came, both being in * hurry, one [ Then again. it has a pjsitieW
revolving teed
sowed with the drill half of the day and the apparatus, that enables it to
e-el :aLl kinds of
other broadcasted; the other sowed with the seed to a e (.tainity. and widi
grilt exacttr!ess,
drill and the first broadcasted; thus changing thus leaving no blanks in
the lien tlter sowing.
each half day upon the same field, putting in Many other iniproveitients
might be ijjeit iotled,
strips of drill and broadcasting, side by side, if space permitted. hbit
all gottit ohservers will
of five or six acres each. 'Mark the result: readily see them  onit exaamnit.lF
thin mitioe,
In every one of these changes the drill-sowed and comparing it with others
yielded from feur to seven bushels the most  We recomnmend to all farnmer.
to tily ardi vi~e
per acre. What better proof than this could grain dlrills, it they woul(i
oiive even. good
be asked to establish the superiority of drill wheat, and. as far as possibhit
ityoid chinch
sowing?' Many other cases more or less strik- hugs, for tdin far wts think
tII: drill ha- wean
ing may be adduced in every neighborhood |foun   the best remedy agai,.At
thei, as ii is
where drills are used.                        well known thitt they work
nimlnc tI :e tnS)t anl
  We will not spend further time now to argue w worst upon shallow-sowe"
the abstract question of drill as compared with  Wve shall, trol iinme io
I ime, efie lo drilling
broadcast sowing, as propably few need con- | until we thlink it is ptohpty
lthtilar and gen-
vincing upon that subject, but will add a woir erall adlopted Intone our
Wiscoisin farmers.

in relation to drills.
  The cut at the head of this article illustra
a comparatively new. and to all appearantc
a much simplified and highly improved dr
now being extensively manufactured by Pc
ers & Sherwin, of this city. lMany of the
fects peculiar to the ordinary styles of dr
seem to be obviated in this. The old way
attaching the shovels to the forward part of
frame, so that when in action, especially
hard lands, they draw down upon the hors
necks with a crushing weight, is entirely of
ated in this machine; the shovels being hit
ed to the main or centre shaft on which
wheels have their axle, thus leaving an ent
ly free, light tongue at all times.
  Then again, the shovel is so constructed v
an ingenious spring adaptation that it can
catch and hold fast upon any obstruction
matter whether stump, stone, or what not,
regally pas8es over ni  vU,,u.AV.v

eighteen or twenty inches high, thus being able   Our Prize Iewh'Machine.
to' work in any common opening field, where  Without disparaging other machines,
we are
the ordinary style of drills would never think free to confess a partiality
for Wheeler & Wil-
of going. This last feature is a great advant. son's. At home, everybody
who has proved
age, and will add much to its popularity and the machine likes it, and abroad
it ranks bk-
usefulness, and enable thousands to avail them- fore all others in the world.