Why not Grow Xore Plums ?
  It has been in our mind many times to urge
upon the farmers of Wisconsin more attention
to the cnltivation of the Plum. True, in some
localities, it is liable to attacks from its spe-
cial enemy, the curculio. But almost every
other fruit has its foes likewise, and there is
scarcely one of the larger class that does not
suffer more than this one.
  Several good reasons stand in its favor:
  1. It is a delicious and wholesome fruit.
  2. It is easily produced, and in quantities
which make its production economical.

  3. It is nore easily preserved than several
of the other fruits, requiring neither paring
nor coring
  4. The trees are hardy, do not require cul-
tivation after being well established, as do
the apple, the pear, and most other fruits. In-
deed they succeed better and produce better
fruit in a hard trodden soil, and may, hence,
have their place in the pig and chicken yard,
thus economizing space.
  5. If well managed, the plum orchard will
yield a larger return in money for the space
occupied, than many others.