much like telling me to wash myself,' said the
patient. ' Well,' said Abernethy, ' it is open
to that objection.'
  " Dr. Currie used fresh water generally, and
by long and careful experience he found that
bathing prevented or cured most diseases."
  Good people of the country, don't be afraid
of pure cold water; your occupations subject
you to the necessity of frequently perspiring
profusely, and likewise to an almost constant
accumulation of dust upon the surface of the
body. In this way, the pores, which should
be always open, are clogged, and the health
is liable, in consequence, to serious derange-
ment. If cold water be repugnant, as it will
be in most cases where it has not been in cus-
tomary use, take the chill off, so that it shall
not be uncomfortable.  It is not necessary
that it should be as cold as ice; indeed it is
sometimes better that it should be a little
warm, or even hot. But ordinarily, in health
cold is better.  It is the best tonic in the
  Just when the bath should be especially
cold, and when hot or warm, cannot be ex-
plained in this connection, without ipaking
our article too long. Of all this at another
time. Meantime don't be afraid of the bath.
There is not the slightest danger in keeping per-
fectly clean.


               Ussdnl Recipes.

  SWEET APPLE PUDDING.-One pint of scald-
ed milk, one-half pint of Indian meal, one
teacup of molasses, one teaspoonful of salt,
six sweet apples cut in small slices. Bake
three hours.

  MUPFINs.-Three tablespoonsful of butter
melted in three pints of milk; when cold stir
in six eggs, one teaspoonful of salt, twe table-
spoonsful of yeast, flour to make them as thick
as you can beat it. Should rise in 8 hours.

  BOILINo POTATOEs-There are many ways
of boiling potatoes, but only one best way,
and this is the formula: Let each mess be of
equal sie. Let the water boil before putting
the potatoes in. When done, pour off the wa-
ter and scatter in three or four tablespoonsful
of salt; cover the pot with a coarse cloth, and
return it to the fire for a short time. In five
minutes take out and serve. Watery potatoes
are made mealy by this process.

PICKLE FOR BEEF-To one-half barrel of
beef, 1X pails of water, 6 quarts of salt, 4
quarts of saltpetre, 4 lbs. sugar; sprinkle 4
quarts of the salt on the beef as you lay it
down, boil the rest, skim and pour over the
beef while hot.

  Hocs-One lb. of rump steak, 1 lb. of pork
steak, half a loaf of bread, chop all together
like sausage meat, add two beaten eggs, and
season with salt, pepper, and sage or summer
savory; bake like a loaf of bread-to be cut
in slices and eaten cold.

  APPLE JELLY. -Boil I peck of apples-quar-
tered but unpeeled and uncored-soft in three
pints of water; then put them in a bag to
strain. Take as much sugar as there is juice
and boil this 16 minutes; add the juice of 2
lemons; pour into moulds to cool.

  WASUINGTON CAKE.-One pound of sugar,
one pound of flour, three-quarters of a pound
of butter and five eggs, a small cup of sweet
milk, a teaspoonful of saleratus, cinnamon
and cloves to your taste, one pound of raisins,
one wine-glass of wine and another of brandy.

  PLUM PUDDING.-One cup of molasses, one
cup of milk, one pound of raisins chopped,
one teaspoon of soda, one of powdered cloves.
Mix with flour about as stiff as pound cake.
Melt half a cup of butter and stir it in.
Steam in a dish over boiling water four hours.
and eat with a hot sauce.

            WIT AND WISDOM.

  SWA physician has discovered that the
nightmare in nine cases out of ten is produc-
ed by owing a bill for a newspaper, and that
the best cure is to pay up.

  S&- A noble life is but the development of
a noble thought.
  SWThose who walk most are generally
healthiest; the road of perfect health is too
narrow for wheels.

  Why is dough like the sun? Because when
it rises it is light.

  How is it that the wheels of a carriage give
evidence of great feebleness ?  Because they
are tired before they start.

  When was Napoleon most shabbily dressed?
When he was out at Elba (elbow).

  $ Red noses are light-houses to warn
voyagers on the sea of life off the coasts of
Kalaga, Jamaica, Santa Orux and HoUand.

  SW Scrutinize a lawyer when he tells you
how to avoid litigation, and a doctor when he
drinks to your health.



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