roots broken off, with the other half two-thirt
out of the ground.
  Whs.re rabbits are troublesome in       -

chard, wind the bodies with straw, paper, e
old cloth bandages.  Thousands of trees lai
winter were destroyed by rabbits, they even en
tering the yards of our cities and towns, an
doing incalculable damage to choice plantt
"1 An ounce of precaution is worth a pound c
cure."                      O. S. WILLEY.
MADraOeI, Wis

              MPrLA LANOZOLATA.
                 The Spiriea.
  Amoneg the many flowering shrubs that em-
bellish the early spring and summer months,
none are more deserving or worthy of promi-
nenoe than the Spirseas.
  They are neat in habit, flower profusely
during the spring and summer months, are
hardy, and of the easiest culture, thriving in
any soil. Several are brilliant in their autumn
  The following are varieties of established
merit and will afford a nice selection:
  LAYOZOLATA-Lance-Leaved, or Garden Spi-
rata.--lender, spreading branches, and long,
narrow foliage.
The flowers are single, borne in clusters 2
or 8 inches in diameter, (see cut) and produced

on lateral shoots the whole length of the grace-
ful, arching stems, pure white, very showy.
Autumn foliage fine. June.
   PRNIrFOLIA-Pium-Leaved Spiraea.-Very
neat and pretty bush, covered in early spring
with beautiful small, pure white blossoms,
double as daisies; foliage rich, glossy, green
through summer, gradually changing at the
approach of autumn, assuming the most bril
liant tints, red, scarlet, and golden. One of
the most desirable species of the whole family.
  BILLARDt-Billard'J.-A low bush, of erect,
neat habit, flowers bright rose color, produced
in terminal spikes, first at the extremities of
the branches, afterwards in the axils of the
upper leaves; continues long in bloom.
OBOVATA-Oborate-Leaved.--SSmnil and glossy
toothed leaves, flowers white, in small spikes,
pretty. July and August.
DoUcLASsti-Douglas' Fine Rcd.-Elegant
foliage, beautiful deep rose colored flowers, in
dense plumes, blooms late in the season, needs
a sheltered situation, or slight winter protec-
ion in Wisconsin.
TRILOBATA-Three-lobedleaved.-Small lobed
eaves, white flowers. dwarf habit, pretty.
CALLOSA-Chinese Pink Panicled.-Foliage
teat and pretty, young leaves tinted with red,
lowers rich, purplish red, in large corymbs,
ilooms through July and August; this is one
f the very finest, and when better known will
ie regarded as indispensible in the smallest
ollection; it is perfectly hardy here, but may
eed a sheltered situation or slight protection
i Wisconsin, and is well worth all the trouble
that may be necessary to protect it.
SALICIFOLIA-n illow-Leaved-Queen of the
feadowes.-Slender, branching shrub, with a
rofusion of long, narrow, willow like foliage,
with terminal heads of neat white rose-tinted
owers; retains its leaves and verdure late in
atumn. June and July.
ue leaved.-Slender, spreading branches,. cov-
-ed like wreaths with clutters of small white
)wers, very early in spring.
ULMIFOLIA-Elm-leaoed.-Branches strong.




