431                 THE WISCONSIN FARMER.

ourse of a frw newspap'rs which quote from the New I  Show of Cashmere goats
and poultry very
York Economist and othsr organs of wool speculaton
and monopolists, and thus du calve many of their too con- fine; dairy products
fding readers into selling thek- wool below remunerative
rate. No press con be true to tCe country thatin a lse to  " The striking
feature of the exhibition
Its agrcultral ioteresto.
  .eaeleed. That the wool-growers of the United States was the excellent
show of agricultural imple-
have a common interest, and should have a com o or-
ganiZation to di cover, expose, and protect themselves ments and machinery."
from the various combination of speculators and moDOp-I
lists, who are not only continually decrying the price of,  Attendance and
receipts very large.
wool, but are laboring to reduce the tariff upon the wool !
which we sell, while they wish to rise it upon thb cloths;  THE INTERNATIONAL
which we buy.
Retolved, That we do now form ourselves into an ae ! at Rochester, was not
so large as Was antici-
ciation to be Luiown as the "W Wool Growers Associatitn pated
of the Ftate of Illinols," and that we will elect a Prei-
dent and Secretnry, who shall urge the organization of  First prize (5160,00)
for best 20 bushels of
similar asociations in every state in the Union, and shall
cerreapond with the same,                       white winter wheat, divided
between J. W.
  A permanoent associatiion was organized, Henderson, of C. W, and E. 8.
Hayward, of
with A. B. Mcfonnell for President, and Da- New York.
vid A. Brown, of Springfield, for Secretary.      Second prize ($76,00) to
R. Embury, of New
  Of the Minnesota and Michigan Faire we York.
have seen no report yet.                          Second prize of $50 for
best 20 bushels red
                TIM OR10 FAIR                   winter wheat, to E. A. Hebard,
of New York.

waS-61nancially, at least-a     " Dig thling. I   First prize of 140
for beat 2 bushels of red
Hear the Ohio Farmer:                           winter wheat, to E. A. Hebard;
the second of
" The State Fair which clowed last week was, all things $2) to H. Jerrels
of New York.
considered, one 'f the most successful Fairs over held  ,        ,
under the auspies of the Bosrd. In the ftrst place, it       PENNSYLVANIA
was pecuniarily successful-the receipts were suffciently
large to enable the Board to relieve itself of all inaebted-  The correspondent
of the New York Tribue
ns-both of the amount earried over from last year,
and that incurred for the current Fair. There are funds votes himself disgusted
with the pro minutnce
enough on hand to pay all the prewiums awarded, all the
current expenses, and to leave a surplus of several thou- given at this Exhibition
to the horse ratfing,
soon dollars to commence another year.
In the seoned place, it was a succes so fsr a attendance which, even to a
horseman, must bave been
was concerned. It wa. visited not only by upwards of very unstisfactory,
on  account of he medi-
sixty thousand residents of Ohio, l'ut was largely visited vr  nai  coy 
nacu     *..     ei
from adjoining Sistes and Carad&"               ocre quality  of
the animals put upo n the
  In several of the departments there were course, and yet which took away
the atten-
deficiencies, but these were    accounted for tion from   the other branches
of the I xhibi-
by reference to circumstances over which the tion. many of which were very
credi able to
Society had no control. Ohio knows how to the Old Keystone State.
do great things, and not unfrequently does                    TEE COUNTY
them            Y                               of our own State were some
of them        quite
            XEW TOLK; STATF: EAlnR.             aucceesful; others were just
abou-t failures
  According to the Genesee Farmer the 23d       if comnsre l with what they
might #,nd should
Annual Fair "w was a decided success."         | he e been. A brief
account of s uch as the
  Stock Department not so full as on some Editor attended will be foupd und
er Editorial
previous occasions, owing to the fact tJat Miscellany.
some of the best breeders had nearly      sold             -
themselves out, and had not fine animals to       The Markets have been doing;
the farmers
bring!   [Good thing for the West, which has better justice of late.    Present.
prices quite
been a large buyer.]                            respectable, although considetably
below the
  "Among the cattle, the Shorthoruls, as usu- true mark if compared
witb the outrageous
al, were the most numerous."                    prices of every sort
of thini, he is compelled
   Sheep show not large but good; the Sile- to buy.
sian breed taking the lead.                      Wheat still iluctuat-'s.
At Ilwaukse, Oct. 28, No. 1,
                                                Spring, $1,06@1,07: No. 2,at
1,o3&1,O4L  Oats in store,
   "The show of swine was confined almost Go cta. Corn, delivered, f5.
Barley steady: Si,2D for
                                                beat. Bye, in store, 84fi0.
Small quantities ot wool
exclusively to the large breeds."               nave been sold at 50(62.
Farmers generally holdilig on.
