soup, and you have a dish good enough for
  I have been told by somp that they pour off
the water and put in new, by doing which I
think they lose half the goodness of the aspa-

  Will some one please givc a good and simple
recipe for making Sorghum cakes?
  WIll sonme of your numerous readers who
we no trouble in coloring a jet black which
will not crock please favor me through the
FAR-t£r.t with their recipe ?
  I give you my recipe for coloring red which
I have repeatedly used, and I have never failed
to have a beautiful, rich red.  To one l1). of
woolen, take 8 oz. of madder, 3 oz. alum, 1 oz.

creaui lrtai, and 4 gallons of rain water.
First. put the alum and cream tartar into the
waler: raise to a boiling heat: then put in
the cIvrih and boil two hours: empty your Iket-
tle, rinsc t*,e cloth in clean, cold water: put in
as much water in the kettle as before. ptl in
the madder. rub it fine in the water, tai-c tite
dye to nitar a scahling heat, then pitt in the
cloth : keepr it in constant motion one hour,
boil fie mlinutes. take it out, rinse in cold wa-
ter ti-.n: nghly. I leln wash in strong soap suds.
                          )lss. E. P. Loontis.

  Information Wanted.-I have a horso
that became a little knee-sprung at the age of
two years. lle grew worse. I hegan to work
him when lie was four, and lie still grew worse.
I have tried different things to strengthen his
knees, but I can get nothing to do them good.
If any of your corrcspondents can inform me
of a remedy, I would be happy to hear from

   I believe it is one of the wvorit things that
a man can do to keep a young horse on a plank
floor.  In my opinion that iov what injured
mine.                                   A. L.

   Hops.-PoSTvILLE, Alamakee Co., Iowa.-
Will some of your s bscribers give me inform-
ation as to the best method of raising hops, i.
.e. the trimming of the roots and of drying &c.
                             WESLE1 COTTON.


  The Independent.-This weekly relig!.uc, liter-
ary. and family Journal, edited by Rev. Henry Ward
Beeclher, Rev. Josbua Leavitt, D. D., and Thcodore Tilton,
having a circulation, it is stated, more than double that
of any similar newspaper in the world, gives notice in its
issue of the first of January, that Its subscription price
will not be increased, nor its size diminished-that the
same terms, viz: Two Dollars per Annum, will be contin.
ued, notwitistanding the great advance in white paper.
The iame array of distinguished contributors, including
llarriet Bleecber Stowe, Dtev. Messrs. Hatfield and Cuyler,
ItHorace Greeley, Whittier the poet, and others, also a rcr-
inn by 31r. Bescher, will continue to enrich its columns.
Acknsowledgments are due to the following
namied gentlemen for documents of much interest;
To X. A. Willard, A. M. ,Little Falls, for a pariphls on
Cheese Dairying In lierkimer county.
To Henry S. Randall, LL. D., of Cortland, N Y  for
"Fine Wool Sheep Uuabandry "-a valuable work oF 124
pages, appropriate to the times.
To Dr. E. Pugh, President of Pern. State Agricultratl
College, for a Report on the condition and piogress of
that institution: also for the "Fifth Report of Experi-
ments on the Feeding of Sheep. By J. t. .Lawes. F. t.
S., Lc, and Dr. .1. It. Gilbert, F. R. S., Ac., England-the
same having been flrwardled to us through him by the
authors, who likewise have our cordial thanks.
  We !olli ,krtailly  Vot the above works as ,arly as
oplp-ti ity w.ill I: ... :  give their availat e contents
t., ..111'I 1't:Mler1.,
T.. T,,clihairin ifl. ,f teaver Da:ta: hasliii, Han-
fo.l . C.., alnd others f.r Nursery Catil,-zut,

              S'l'tF''    MIEN '1'
                    OF THlE

Madiqon Mutual Insurance Cormpany,
            FOll TIE Ylts     ENDINGi
          DECE31BER31, A. D)., 1vh'2.
Mtade Lo the Governor of the State of n isconsi. as re
quire l by the provi'ions of chanter 103, of the General
Laws of 1858.
Total amount of accumulations ...........   327,464 67
Unimpaired premium notes of
  policy holders ..............$ 281,000 e.
Cash on hand aid due from
poitcy nolders and agents,
for cash premiums ..........  45.464 60
Office furniture and fixtures, .  1,000 00  327,464 67
Whole No. policies issu d.     ......      22,061
Ain't of outstanding risks thereon ........ $15,062,000 00
Number of policies isaed in 1S62 .........      7.706
Amnt of outstanding risks thereon ........ 56,069,813 00
Amn't premium notes thereon .............   108,323 93
Ain't cash premiums thereon, less commis-
  sins to agents .........................   45,727 80
Am-t interest recelved ...................       72 18
Total ain't losses repor-ed during 1862,. ..  $17,744 16
Total ain't losses paid duribg 18 2, 89 in
  number ...............................     21.413 97
Ain't claImed for loss, resisted as fraudulent  2,000 00
Losses adjusted and due ...... ............     none.
Losses adjusted and noit due ..............      none.
Losses unadjusted ........................      292 8;
All other claims against the company ......     97 50
Am'tpaSd for advertlslrg and postage,....     1,763 6C
Ani't paid for printing ..................      540
Ain't paid thr policy stamps ..............0 S       00
Amit paid taxes to Com'r Internal Revenue       82 02
Expenses paid, including all compensation
  to Officers ad Direetors, stationery, extra
  clerk hire, fuel, hghts, and other inEIdent-
  I expens,.   ..      ........_ 7,00 98


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