

I                  A,

  Acre, iractions of an ............... 6
  Affairs, industrial .......... 308, 316, 43
     Nationsl. 36,8 0, 119, 1I.9. 196.
       238, 271, 309, 347, 395, 432, 41
     Practical, short chapters on, 46
 Agricultural College, the State,... 7
                    of Penn.     7
                    Kansins ...... 38
                    Milchlgan,..... 3G)
                    New  York.
                    lands, ...385, 44
     i -partmnent, national,..90, 94, 27
     Fairs...                  21
     schools of the country, 301,
       383...                  41
     societies ..... . ,.... 36, 41, 7
     sVciety, the transactions of;.. 35
 Agriculture, aid to ..................... i
 Aiken's knit'g machino, (llusit.) 23
 Alps, editor in,...36, li, 120,197, 23,
 American babies ........................ 19
 Ambalema tobacco ..................... 13
 American Stoek Journal ............l.II
    women, sacriflces of ............ X-
    nursery, the first ................ 11
 Animals, reasoning power of .   101
 Angels, fireside ......................... Z9
 Aphis, the wheat ......................3 .Z1
 Apiary, chapter of well settled
      facts. ...............
 Apple, history of the            ].     3
    rcharns, planting between
      rows,' ......................... 181
Apples, culture and color of ......2 1.I
    long keeping ........................1,3-
Apple-trees, niost hardy ? ........... 293
    fritters,.... ..................... 2G7
Apple-trees, dwarf, (illustrated,)  f
Appropriations to county agrisul-
      tural societies  ..... .... 41
Arborvitae' Sibrlan. (Illustrated,) 148
Art of war, Napoleon's .............1 Ip
Arab ladies, bridals and baths of, 14
  Ari"ona, as an sgr'l country .....49
  sparagul,                 10I
Ague, hints for          ........ 274
Australia, fats of herses in. 2............;68
    at world'm fair ............... ... 401

Babies, Atoerien ...................... 191
Back unniors, bort'l notes on:... 413
Baden, sgricuniure of ............... 272
Bank  .f England ...................... 382
Barns, to estimate capacity of,.... 252
Barracks for fodder ................... 58
Bark lice. remedy ...................... 376
Barren fruit-trees, remedy .   225
Bath, utility of ...........  ,   391
Battle of the wind-mill and Wa-
     terloo .  ...................... 473
Bedrooms, ventilate your .......... 427
Bee, practical culture ............... 290
Bee-hive, Lee'a, (illustrated,) ..... 254
   Longeatroth'     '    ...... 292
   Morehouse's               291
   straw, how made .................. 182
   which is best ...................... 182
Bee-hives, chapter on .......... 291, 328
Bea, honey, culture .     ................ 14o

fBre-keeperg, challenge to.........   .... |           s...W

    wants of the ...................... 21
DMee  handling .......... 19......... lu4 25'
    Italian .  ....................... 37:
    items about ........................ i
    September management of,... 32
    wintering ...................... 411, 46
Beef-steek, how to cook ............. 3t
    pickle for .......................  42
Belgium, editor's travels in ....... 47
Birds, want of small ..................29
Iloys and girls ....................... 15I
Business rules ......................... 6
Buckwheat vs. chinch bug .......... 211
Bug, chinch, buckwheat vs.     211
Buck, Spanish, ' Washoe," (Illus-
      tated ................411
Blackberry, new seedling  . - 39t
    Lawton, winter killing of,... 45t
Blackleg, remedies ...................... 215
Black, how to color ................... wt
Blight, pear .......... 3 47, 182, 2:24
lloAt in cattle..........     288
Blood relations, penalties for mar-
      rying ..... 301
 Bread and butter pudding ...........6
     pudding.4.......ad. .......... 618
 Breeliag in-nnd in    ......... .......... 408
 Britlsq colonies at world's fair,..
      316,9    .................... 401
 rookl 3   9 . ..................... a..o. 402
 lrunssvick,at wvor_'ir.      'SO
 Ilulbs, hardy tlowertilF (illust.) . 3.5
 BIitter, false ......................   255

Calves .......................   9
   don't slaughter ................... 218
   nore-headed ...................... 13J
Cane juice, nnanagement of.  28i1
   utill, premium, (illustrated,) 19
Capital, good opi ning for .......... 225
a'apt. Curties, D  ...................... 3.5
t;are, life prolonged hv ......b........ 156
Canada at sorld's fair ...... ......... 317
Canada thistle, to kill ................ 251
Carriage, bodily .33
Cnttle, cleaHly ......................   12
   bloat in ...................... 59, 288
   "' foot ail " in ...................... 4 0
   n-.aurading ...................... 100
   diseascs of, renudies ............ 215
   sheds ............... ....... 448
Clhufa...........     ...........  9
Cider, how to bWil and to keep,...  9
Cisterns .     ...................... 242
)itik, keep out of .................... 132
'lover as a fertilizer .................. 64
'lubs, agricultural ...................... .5
'oal oil, to detect explosive ...... 24
)ollege, stats agr'l, Michigan,... 301
             "     ansas....... 86
                  New York,..
                  383 .......... 419
                  Penn ........... 7
    lands, agr'l, isconsin,..385, 446
 'ologne, city of.          471
 'ott, managenient * d .c......... 598
 oncord grap, (ll.nItratd,).105, 414
 ommeclal hnesty.       ..... 108

6V4t~irU, p V p .. ..=......... ............. 43
(Corn as fuel ....................53
    husks for paper .................. 22
 Cotton, culture in Utah ............ 92
 Ceylon at world's fair ........  317
 Chitplains. army, .     .......... 23
 Cheat mountain, a night on ....... 204
 Chickens, setting hens and rais-
      ing      .        ..........2°
    Insects on .  .......  ... 183
Children, health of in summer,.. 342
    clothing for ......... 23    1
Chinch bug ................   138, 211
Cheese, cheddar ................   2S3
Cholera, hog, cure ................ 242, 3.1
Chloroforming bees.. ................ 81
Chloride of lime ................   151
Clover bay, curing..................
Comstock's rotary opader, (illus.
      trated,) ............... .   151
Cotton flax  .    ............... 110
    spinning in Ituosi a..............
County agricultural societies,._  41
    fairs ............... 2  , 438
Courtesies at homne .  .............. 391
Cows, unquiet min'ch ................ 287
Caigs microscope, (illustrated,) 228
Cranberries .................   181
"Cribbing" in horses ................ 369
Crops in 1862      S ................. 3. 362
    returns ..................fSd39
    on sandy lauds ............. 9
    rotation of .................  246
Crotched tree, how to save    222
Culture, trn .................   11:1
Currants (illustrated,) ............... 101
   jolley .   .... ...............M
Currency, doubtful ..............   17


Dairy house, new design ............ 227
Daisies, how to kill . ................8
Deep, monstersof .  .......... 3..... 193
13ecember, work for .  .............. 442
Delaware grape .  ..............   17, 416
Departmentofagriculture,90,94, 275
Desserl, a delicate .............. , 287
Dickinsno,Anins E., (illustrated,) 44
Dinner hour, the.   .       191......... lo
Dog, mad, cure of bite  .. 342
   law and cheep .................... 121
Dogs, mui an In Ohio  .  . 368
Dough-nuts, .  ............................. 42>
Dres, beat of .  ........................ 4a7
Drilling wheat ....................... . 7
Drills. grain . ......................... 7
   Ohio, (illustrated.) .....8...... 66
Dwarf apple trees, (illustrated,) 15

gating, excessive .  ............... 192
lconomy of small farms   .. 10
   In farming  .   ................. 281
   In housekeeping .............. 429
Educatlontl conventions ..9.......... N
Cduaste yourtine; . .................... 71
Widcatton, home  .  ................188
kditor's notes of European trsel,
      3,80, 12d.1f9, 197, 237,

    ..hi75ll'e' 'h5o.............................   4;71Lgg.            
               7 I
Comforts, home.3r .               .............. I..........
tompletness, essential ...............14  IRE-yTt . .................  6





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