
As far =A t
N% here you
On Sunday

ie pew Is long
sit and wish that playing
was not wrong.

As far an fron here to there;
For there wan his little nest
And the household of his care.

Did you ever ee a hole
No bigger than mousey's head,
  Or the head of a small brown mole?
  Of course you have; so has the cat,
  Up in the corner close to the floor.
  This hole wan just like that.
  How long and how many, who knows?
  But down there lived lItt!e ant,
  And his family, I suppose.
  On, on towards that den
  He pushed with all his might;
  Pushed an if be were ten;
  And went in front and tried,
  And tugged, I tell you now,
  And round from side to side.
  Sometimes he stopped and looked
  As if he'd given it up,
  Then walked away and looked.
  Not far away he walked,
  Xor did he ,ive it up,
  And here is where he talked;
  Saying, ' Sure as I am an ant,
  I'll lay that up for winter,
  And sting who says I can't!
  Then back to his labor,
  With a will an stout
  A. a soldier's good sabre.
  Little by little he moved it,-
  A will finds a way,-
  Little by little he proved it.
There, ere the sun vent down,-
Worthy illumination
All over the town,-
I saw the great treanure
Most mfely arrive-
The great golden treasure;
At the hole in the corner
I saw it go down;
And, proud as Jack Horner,
With his pie full of plums,
Saw my hero go down
To beat all his drums,
To call all his neighbors,
And tell all his folks
Of his wonderful labors.
Then they held-an wan right-
A joyful high fat
That good Sabbath night.

Did I run to tell about it,
saying, ' Yes, I saw it!"
'Ton need not doubt it.

I eat and thought;
And thought It plain,
That the way to be good
Wan to try it again.

  Santa Claus brings Johnny a stocking full
of goodies. Johnny is glad.

When Papa comes home from town, Johnny
ees that Ned gets the sled. Johnny is mad.

Eiiows.-Six letters compose may staff.
  My second you write if you write the word laugh.
My third you pronounce if you just asy "Oh,
Why mother, these buiscuit are nearly all dsgh.'
My fourth, why child, you couldn't op'll cat
Without using this, and its plainly in that.
My fifth In the alihabet isn't the worst-
To tell you the truth, it stands next to the first.
MYy ixtb is an plain an you please in mSssIe,
bb first is in every line of this puzzle.
My whole bs name of a- - ,, -nitI fnmnd

If yon don't make it out now who s to be blamed?
inser next eaonth.
