Green County.

First D,'strict--The towns of Adams, Albany, Brooklyn, Exeter, Mount Pleasant,
               -Glarus, Washington and York. Population, 1885 -8,531.
  J. C. ZIMMERMAN (Rep.), of New Glarus, was born January 18,41837, at Schaffhausen,
Switzerland, where he received a common school and academic education; came
to the
United States in 1854; taught school at New Glarus five years, and at Freeport,
Ills., five
years; returned to New Glarus in 1864, and settled on a farm, where he has
remained ever
since; was elected chairman of the town board in 1868, and several times
thereafter; has
been superintendent of poor since 1880; was elected member of assembly for
1887-8, receiv-
ing 790 votes, against C46 votes for Adam Blumer, democrat, and 242 votes
for J. F. Sears,
Second District--The towns of Cadiz, Clarno. Decatur. Jordan, Jefferson,
Monroe, Sylves-
                   ter and Spring Grove. Population, 18S5 -14,537.
 JOHN LUCCHSINGER (Rep.),of Monroewas born at Canton of Glarus, Switzerland,
June 29,
 1839; received a common school education, and is by occupation a farmer;
came to the United
 States with his parents in 1845, and settled at Syracuse, N. Y.; removed
the same year to
 Philadelphia, Pa.; in 1856 came to Wisconsin and settled at New Glarus,
and in 1878 re-
 moved to Monroe; has been a member of the county board of supervisors a
number of
 years, and chairman of that body in 1879: county treasurer of Green county
in 1883, '84,
 '85 and '86; member of assembly in 1873, 76, 77 and '78; was elected to
the assembly again
 in 1886, receiving 1,317 votes, against 1,035 votes for C. D. Wooster, democrat,
and 440 votes
 for D. R. -Howe, prohibitionist.

                              Green -Lake County.
                              Population, 1,8 -- 16,008.
  CUARLES D. McCONNELL (Rep.), --P. 0. Ripen, Fond do Lac county -was born
uary 11, 1831, at S1inisink, Orange county, New York: is by occupation a
farmer; came to
Wisconsin in 1852, and settled at Brook'yn, where he still resides: has held
no public office;
was elected member of assembly for 183, receiving 866 votes as an independent
against 831 for J. C. Thompson, republican, 134 for M. W. Stephens, greenbacker,
and 21 for
S. C. Harmon, prohibitionist; was re-elected to the 33th assembly, receiving
1,528 against
1,205 votes, for Gustave Teske, democrat, and 159 votes for John Holt, prohibitionist.
                                 Iowa County.

First District -The towns of Arena, Moscow, Mineral Point, Ridreway, Waldwick
                  the city of Mineral Point. Population, 18853-10,195.
  GEORGE GOLDSMITH COX (Rep.). of Mineral Point, was born ia Suffolk county,
York, November 04, 1842; received a common school education; is engaged in
came to Wisconsin in 1850, and located in Iowa county, where he has continue:l
to reside;
enlisted as a private in Co. D, 2d Wis. Vol. Cay., serving three years and
participating in all
the battles and engagements of the regiment, including the battles of Prairie
Grove, Hall's
Plantation, Woodville, Mississippi, Yazoo City, Egypt Station, and all the
raids through the
states of Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, etc.; has been chairman of town
board for ten
years, and superintendent of poor three years; was member of assembly in
1879, 1880 and
1885, and was elected member of the 38th assembly, receiving 923 votes, against
920 votes
for J. M. Smith, democrat, and 245 votes for William Robinson, prohibitionist;
was chair-
man of the Commfitte on Agriculture in the 38th assembly.
Second District - The towns of Clyde, Dodgeville, Eden, Highland, Linden,
Mifflin, Pulaski,
                      and Wyoming. Population, 1885 - 12,677.
  MICHAEL JOHN BE"NNETT (Rep.), of Pine Knot, Iowa county, was born
in the town of
Clyde, Iowa county, Wis., January 8, 1860; received a common and high school
education; is
a farmer and school teacher by profession; was chosen town clerk of his town
in 1885, and
again in 1886; was elected member of assembly for 1887 and 1888, receiving
1,252 votes,
against 1,139 for J. B. Huse, democrat, and 194 for John Monaghan, prchibitionist.
                                 Jackson County.

                              Population, 1885 - 15,902.
  THOMAS B. MILLS (Rep.), of Millston, was born in the town of Manchester,
county, Wisconsin, October 12, 1857; received a common school and academic
is by occupation a lumberman; was chairman of the town board from 1882 to
1884, and