GENERAL INDEX.                            

RESOLUTION AND ORDER-- continued.P                                      
     when to be presented for approval.....................
     order, or vote, requiring the concurrence of both houses to undergo
the for-
       malities of bills, sec. 7, art. 1, state con.................................
RESOLUTIONS, introduction of, assembly rule 36.............................
      to be committed, assembly rule 39 .....................................
      to take same course as bills, joint rule 20.................. .9
      appended to constitution ..................... . .   .  .   .  ........
REVENUE bills to originate in the House of Representatives, sec. 7, art.
1, U. S. con.  4
      bills, constitutional provisions concerning, sec. 6, art. 8, state
con...............  21
RIDERS, amend engrossed bills by...........................................
RIGHTS of citizens of the several states, sec. 2, art. 4, U. S. con.....................,,
      liberty of conscience in matters of religion, 1st amendment to U. S.
con ......o 9
      freedom of speech and of the press, 1st amendment to U. S. con...........9...9
      of citizens to assemble and petition, 1st amendment to U. S. con...............
      to keep and bear arms, 2d amendment U. S. con............................9
      to be exempt from the quartering of soldiers, 3d amendment U. S. con
.......  9
      to be secure from unreasonable searches or seizures, 4th amendment
U. S. con  9
      to be free from answering for a crime unless on presentment or Indictment
        of jury, 5th amendment U. S. con .........................................9
      not to be twice jeopardized for the same offense, 5th amendment U.
S. con...  9
      not to be compelled to be a witness against himself, 5th amendment
U. S. con  9
      not to be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process
of law, 5th
        amendment U. S. con   o.................................. ..............."
      private property not to be taken for public use without just compensation,
        amendment U. S. con............................................ ..
        in criminal prosecutions, shall enjoy the right of a speedy trial
by jury with
        all the means necessary for his defense, 6th amendment U. S. con............
        in civil cases, trial to be by jury, and shall only be re-examined
according to
        common law, 6th amendment U. S. con .............   ....................
        excessive bail shall not be required, excessive fines imposed, nor
cruel or un-
        usual punishment inflicted, 8th amendment U. S. con......................
        enumeration of certain rights shall not operate against retained
rights, 9th
        amendment to U. S. con........         ..................      ........10...
        of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, etc., sec. 11,
art. 1, state con  14
        of the accused, sec. 7, art. 1, state con.................................o
. 13
        equality of, and how secured, sec. 1, art. 1, state con..............
........... 13
        of the people to assemble, consult and petition, sec. 4, art. 1,
state con..........o13
        of worship not to be infringed, sec. 18, art. 1, state con.......................14
        to continue as if no change in government, sec. 1, art. 14, state
con.............  24
  RIVER FALLS NoRMAL SCHOOLo............................ ...................a
       view of...........     ........................................after
  RIVERS, navigable to be common highways, sec. 1, art. 9, state con................
  RULES and orders of each House, to what cases they shall apply...................
       each house shall determine its own, sec. 5, art. 1, U. S. con.....................
       not to be rescinded without notice, senate rule 54 ...........................92
                                        assembly rule 95......................
                                        joint rule 25.... ..................
       suspension of, senate rule 54 ................... ...............
........ ... 2
                     assembly rule 95........................................101
                     joint rule 253....................   ...........................


   ST. CROIx & Lake Superior Railroad Trespass Fund.........  ..................273
        deposit fund ............  .................................. ........
   SCHEDULE OV CONSTITUTION, art. 14.... %.........................................
   SCHOOLS, number of in state.......................................................
        population of, in United States...............................................
        county superintendents of......................o.............................
        city superintendents of......................................................"
        principais of free high  ......................................................