M-     co     [Number

 STATESAND TER-        .   Sopla- Ienroll, D
   TAERITORIES. 4DTER       oO u " " in Put, d .D,
                     t.               ..o Schcols.

Alabama...........   7-21   419,764   215,578
Arkansas ..........  6-21   316,356   153,216
California.........  5-17   235,672   17j, 801
Colorado...........  6-21     Sb,242   37,872
Connecticut .......  4-16    150601   128,280
Delaware ..........   6-21 35640,560 131,123
Florida...........    6-21   86,1798   58, 311
Georgia ............6-18    9508,187   287,411
Illinois ..............  6-21 1,0'9,274 728,681
Indiana ............. 06-21  722851    501,142
Iowa ................15-21  '604,739  1406,947
Kansas .............5-21     411,250   303,601
Kentucky ..........   6-20 12571'793"7 13,)834
Louisiana...........  6-18  291,049     79,018
Maine ..............  4-21   213,524   146,345
Maryland ..........5-20      295,215   170,393
Massachusetts.....    5-1    36195     342,012
Michigan ...........5-20     577,063   404,966
Minnesota .........5-21      259,366   223,209
Mississippi ........5- 21    447,571   236,991
Missouri ...........  6-20   785,122   527,452
Nebraska..........5-21       209 43 i  137,618
Nevada ...........    6-18     9,593     7,838
New Hampshire....     5-15  12C0, 899   64, 54
New Jersey.........165-18    319242  16211,905
New York ..........5-21 1,702'9b7    1,000,057
North Carolina.....   6-21   504,281   278,298
Ohio ............."   6-21 1082,295    762,755
Oregon...........     4-20    73,867    43,157
Pennsi lvania    .    6- 211" 1422377  966,039
Rhode Island......'5-1        58,858    49,255
South Carolina .....  6-16   '262,279  185,619
Tennessee..........    0 6-21 571,89   350,143
Texas ..............   8-16  311,134   244,895
Vermont............    5-20  "99,463    73,283
Virginia ............  5-21   335,807  288,030
West Virginia.....           . 6-21 2818 16,272
Wisconsin .........    4-21   551,013  332,327

   Total States..........16,525,689 10,588,109
 Arizona ............  6             -20 9,376 4,516
 Dakota ..........     7-20   77,499    50,031
 Dist. of Columbia.. 14j-17  1243,537  327, 299
 Idaho ..............  5-21    13,140    8,287
 Indian .............8..... 16211740,   "7,82
 Montana............   4-21    15,082     8,118
 New Mexico...         718   129,255    124,755
 Utah ...............,6-18     48,899    25,
 Washington.            6-21   31,599 2.2,341
 Wyoming ...........   7-21   "4,112    1"2,907

   Total Territories........283,939     135,441
   Grand Total ......     .16,810,628 10753,550

:verage  Average
aily At- Durationo
    Idne in days.

 134,410     83
 5  ,291 ..........
 524,714    1502
   3,3 07  2174
       :1  3 100
  4O0075    179 55
  21,47    '157.4
       1 ,  ",71  10 65
       8 71 11198
  484,625   151
  323,499   126
  1253,688  1142
   51,813  16101.70
 4100, 630   114
   86 486    182
   248 168   180
1223,775     152
  100,637    112
  154,433 '10
  398,031    112.6
  '81,4401   120
    57227j   148.6
    43.72:3   93.51
111915183  16192
  591160     168.5
  1C9,694   1,Y
  499,217    184
  39,512      90
  C35,678    148.25
  1932,366   184
  114,144     80
  205,479     78
  160,259- 10100
          " 11164.6
   47,607    127
   163,369   120
   102,012   100
...... . . . . . . .

    3,987    210
    392,520  101
  "20730,   "8190

     4,4(5   103
   111,073    13
   14,2231    92
   121, 920 ........

 6,503,652 .....

nalaries of Total Ex-
Teachers. penditures.

  $486, 781   $522, 727
  .......'..   561,745
  2432, 255    809,898
  1,130,863  1,777,277
    15-2,591    ! 215,161
    161,0761   172,178
............l  613,647
  5,640,474  9,628,186
"3,3 154,083 4,660,000
431,075,870 245 525,449
"21,682,7353 25,28821, 964
............ 1,248,524
.......... .I  466,930
261,020,082   1,134,050
  1,245,C81   1,686,640
264, 524,371  6,502,359
262 Y74,48.5  1,63693,315
  1,389,541   2,819,711
    714,306     803,876
  2, 823, 330 4,281,133
    954,-383  1,842, 633
    133.3!8     1U2,012
    4"11,472    624,1V5
31. 435,826 33,2196,557
  7,985,723  11,834,912
    416,197     535,)203
  5,807,758   9,681,36,
    281,960     478, 675
  5,403,836   9,515,633
    446,200     636,542
  "3343,674   "3423,473
    822,561     955,47(
 ..........|'. 1,661,47(
    425,931     590,581
  1,032,608   1,321,53',
    641,575     997,431
    1,866,906 3,646, 16(

 $61, 691,464 $101, 456,82:
     .. . ..161,86,4
     3941785  1,306,871
   ',317, 229  2.79,31
     62,092      89,91,
............   448226, 611
   3150, 000]  3; 60,'03,
   5328,002'    528,97:
     131,881    204,34
     15-3,142   287,59
     ,525,894  3528, 50

  $1,262,025  $3,174,01
  $62, 953,489 $104, 630,83

  'In 1882. 2In graded schools. 'In ngraded schools. 4For the winter term.
ElNot including colored children in Wilmington._ 7For white schools only.
8NOreport from
three counties. 9State Census for 1882. 'Oin the counties. "In the cities.
".U.,. Census
of 1880.   'Ign 1881. 141nclusive. '5Outside of New Orleans. 161n 1832-83.
  "For white
schools. 'For colored schools. lgIncludes evening school reports   20[n the
five civilized
tribes. "'For the civilized tribes, excluding Choctaws. 22Includes salaries
of superinten-
dents. 23 Amount of tuition revenue only. 24In 1832. 25In 1881. 26Includes
some miscel-
laneous expenditure. "OIn 188-83. 44School expenditure for the civilized
tribes, excluding
Choctaws. 5U. S. Census of 1880. tIn the cities.


