1o committee of the whole ....................................................
To select committee .............................  .  .   .   .   ...Ayes.
Report of bill to lie on table........................................ANoes.
Be now  read ...................................................................
  Be taken into consideration three months hence ..........................30,
P. J. 251
Amendments to be read a second time ........................................
Clause offered on report of bill be read a second time ........................
  For receiving a clause ........................................................
With amendments be engrossed ..........................................1
That a bill be now read a third time .........................................Noes.
  Receive a rider ..............................................................
  Pass ..................................................................
Ayes.    256
  Be printed .................................... .............................
  Com m ittees.  That  A   take  the  chair  ...................................
  To agree to the whole or any part of report .............................
  That the House do now resolve into committee ..............................
  Speaker. That he now leave the chair, after order to go into committee....
   Noes.   291
  That he issue warrant for new writ .........................................I
  Member. That none be absent without leave ................................
  Witness. That he be further examined.......................................Ayes.
  Previous question ....... ........................................................
  Blanks. That they be filled with the largest sum ............................Ayes.
  Amendments. That words stand part of ......................................

  Lords. That their amendment be read a second time .........................
  Messenger be received ........................................................
  Orders of day to be now read if before 2 o'clock......................
  If after 2 o'clock  ..................... ........................................

  Adjournment. Till the next sitting day, if before 4 o'clock ....................
  If  after 4 o'clock  .................................... ....................
  Over a sitting day (unless a previous resolution) ..............................Ayes.
  Over the 30th of January ...................................................
  For sitting on Sunday, or any other day not being a sitting day ...............
  The one party being gone forth, the Speaker names two tellers from the
affirmative and
  two from the negative side, who first count those sitting in the House
and report the num-
  ber to the Speaker. Then they place themselves within the door, two on
each side, and
  count those who went forth as they come in, and report the number to the
Speaker. Mere.
  in Halcew., 26.
  A mistake in the report of the tellers may be rectified after the report
made. 2 Hats.,
  145, note.
  [But in both Houses of Congress all these intricacies are avoided. The
ayes first rise, and
  are counted standing in their places by the President or Speaker. Then
they sit, and the
  noes rise and are counted in like manner.]
    [In Senate, if they are equally divided, the Vice President announces
his opinion, which
    [The Constitution, however, has directed that "the yeas and nays
of the members of
 either House on any question shall, at the desire of one-fifth of those
present, be entered
 on the journal." And again; that in all cases of reconsidering a bill
disapproved by the
 President, and returned with his objections, "the votes of both Houses
shall be determined
 by yeas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for and against the
bill shall be en-
 tered on the journals of each House respectively."]
    [By the 16th and 17th rules of the Senate, when the yeas and nays shall
be called for by
  one-fifth of the members present, each member called upon shall, unless
for special reasons
  he be excused by the Senate, declare openly, and without debate, his assent
or dissent to the
  question. In taking the yeas and nays and upon the call of the House, the
names of the
  members shall be taken alphabetically.]
    [When the yeas and nays shall be taken upon any question in pursuance
of the above rule
  no member shall be permitted, under any circumstances whatever, to vote
after the de-
  cision is announced from the Chair.]
    [When it is proposed to take the vote by yeas and nays, the President
or Speaker states
  that "the question is whether, e. g., the bill shall pass --that it
is proposed that the yeas
  and nays shall be entered on the journal. Those, therefore, who desire
it, will rise." If he