WRIGHT DIRECTORY CO., publishers of the Janesville 
City Directory, present to subscribers and the general pub- 
lic, this, the 1929 edition of the Janesville Directory. 
Confidence in the growth of Janesville's wealth, indus- 
try and population, and in the advancement of its munici- 
pal and social activities, will be created as sections of this 
directory are consulted, for the directory is a mirror truly 
reflecting Janesville to the world. 
The enviable place occupied by WRIGHT'S directories 
in offices, stores, libraries and homes, has been established 
by rendering the best in directory service. With an un- 
rivaled organization, and having the courteous and hearty 
cooperation of the business and professional men and resi- 
dents, the publishers feel that the result of their labors will 
meet with the approval of every user, and that the Janes- 
viUle Directory will fulfill its mission as a source of autben- 
tic information pertaining to the city. 
The estimated population of Janesville is 24,677, based 
on the number of individuals' names in the alphabetical 
section of the directory, with due allowance for children and 
for women whose names are not listed separately from those 
of their husbands. Territory immediately adjacent, which 
is part of the city, as far as business and social life are con- 
cerned, is included in the directory. 
Five Major Departments 
The several essential departments are arranged in the 
following order:-       4 
presents a variety of information, such as lists of city, coun- 
ty and federal officials; church, post office, incorporated 
company and. fraternal organization directories; statistical 
review; manufacturing, trade and civic surveys, etc. 
THE BUYERS' GUIDE, pages 21 to 52, printed on tinted 
paper, contains the advertisements of leading manufactur- 
ing, business and professional interests of Janesville. These 
pages will be found particularly interesting and instructiiie 
to substantial purchasing factors. The advertisements have 
been carefully grouped by departments and are indexed un- 
der headings descriptive of the business represented. This is 
reference advertising at its best and, as such, merits a Sur- 
vey by all buyers anxious to familiarize themselves with 
sources of supply. The city's activities, in many interesting 
phases, are authentically pictured. In an ambitious and 
progressive community like Janesville, the necessity of hav- 
ing this kind of information immediately available, is very 
great and, frequently, pressing. General appreciation of 
this fact is evidenced by the liberal support the city direc- 
tory enjoys in the many fields which it serves 
business firms and corporations is included in pages 53 to 
342. A feature of this section is the inclusion of the wife's 
name in parenthesis following that of the husband.