TRADE' You like 
who   rein~busies to sty. 
lee hm=an to fpect dist mcl bui- 
am- thimm..w, s"Ad 
back of the ware daq el 
M advwmoi in eke advewiuerb 
Fimdw  fakes.    9~h~k  &ad 
oider clasmere  VS  - II  for 
divctoy adyewtiog It fly. two 
Mm@ modem City Dfrestory h a 
bud.... itiftudon. It occEinpe a 
pvim* PendIa~ its own.  itis" 
deal. with awk a fundmossaI m 
If you ane notderu  yaw bud. 
am-in di. Diratoty. may we at. 
plak how and why it wil pay y.