19C          (1929) WRIGHT DIRECTORY CO.'S 
Elks Club-L L Nickerson chairmn house committee, Robt R 
Conway sec, 2d fl 118 E Milwaukee 
Janesville Lodge No 254-Frank W Fisher ER, Dr Vincent 
Koch E Ldg K, Geo F Kueck E Loy K, Harry Cushing E 
Lect K, Robt R Conway sec, Fred Howe treas; meets first 
and third Tuesdays at 118 E Milwaukee 
Equitable Fraternal Union 
Janesville Assembly No 171-Rollin B Stanton pres, Wm F 
Heise v-pres, Edmund 0 Smith sec, John Heller treas; 
meets third Wednesday at Eagles Hall 
Fraternal Reserve Association 
Janesville Council No 47-Dr M A Cunningham supreme 
medical examiner, 305 Jackman bldg 
W H Sargent Post No 20-J F Carle corn, W H Morse sr VC, 
D S Cummings QM; meets second and fourth Fridays at 
Patriotic Hall 
Women's Relief Corp W H Sargent Branch-Mrs Ada Lamb 
pres, Mrs A M Parkyn sr v-pres, Mrs Beulah Luttig Jr 
v-pres, Mrs Mary Morse treas; meets at City Hall 
Ladies of the 0 A R, Gen John F Reynolds Circle-Mrs Jessie 
Barlass pres, Margt Gregg sec, Mrs Rosetta Gaffey treas, 
meets second and fourth Fridays at City Hall 
Daughters of the 0 A R, Capt Pliny Norcross Fortress-Mrs 
Cora Terry com, Mrs Marion VanGilder sr VC, Mrs Irene 
Falter Jr VC, Cora Wilhelmy QM, Mrs Grace Catlin aud, 
meets Tuesdays at City Hall 
Gegenseitiger Unterstuetzung Gesellchaft Germania Bower 
City Lodge No 1 1-Henry Teubert pres, Edw Viney v- 
pres, Otto Quade rec sec, Aug Webber fin sec, Herman 
Manthei treas; meets first and third Friday of month 
at Eagles Hall 
Ladies' Auxilliary No 8-Mrs Matilda Teubert pres, Mrs 
Martha Manthei v-pres, Mrs Sophia Beyer rec sec, Mrs 
Martha Smith fin sec, Mrs Amelia Watson treas; meets 
first and third Fridays at Eagles Annex 
Division No 1-Dean F J Fiss chaplain, John J Kelly pros, 
John Quinn v-pres, John P Hefferman rec see, Jas Sher- 
idan fin sec, Frank Gleason treas; meets first Wednesday 
each month at StPatrick's Hall 
Ladies' Auxiliary-Mary Gillespie pres, Mrs Theresa Horton 
v-pres, Ellen Keenan sec, Georgia Madden tres; meets 
second Wednesday at StPatrick's Hall 
(East Side Hall 22-24 N Main; West Side Hall 23-25 W Mil- 
Wisconsin Lodge No 14--Clyde Whitehead NO, Elmer Bur- 
gem VO, J W Carman rec sen,                   eoRD 
Antledel tress; meets every Monday at East Side 1 0 
Janesville City Lodge No 90-Maurice j Clark NO, Paul Bali 
VO, John 0 Brecher rec mc, A M Church fin afc, Cha 
Ward treas; meets Tuesday at West ide 10 0 F Hail 
Rock River Encampment No 3-Frank Schumacher CP, 
Clyde Whitehead HP, F L Manteuffel ree scribe, 000 
Rogers fin scribe, Fred H Koebelln treas; meets first and 
third Fridays East Side I 0 F Hall