mile east of our farm. I graduated from 8th grade
in 1933 and that fall started my freshman year at
Weyerhaeuser High School. I graduated in 1937
at the age of 17. My desire was to become a
teacher, however, because of the depression, I was
unable to go further in my education.
I remained at home for two years helping with
the farm work. At the age of 19 1 went to Chicago
to seek employment. I worked mostly for families
in private homes where I got "room and board"
plus a small wage starting at $7.00 per week.
On August 2, 1941, I married Andrew Kocik,
who was the youngest of 8 children born to
Michael and Julia Kocik who were farmers. We
operated several farms near Weyerhaeuser for
about 5 years; then, sold our stock and moved into
the Village where Andrew found employment at
the Equity Co-op Store. We bought an older home
and lived there for about 7 years and then built a
new ranch style home in 1954. We still live there.
Our first child, Janice Irene, was born October
1, 1942; Patricia Ellen, our second, was born April
17, 1948; and Peter Michael was born January 15,

Micheal and Julia decided they would rather
live on a farm than in the city as they were both
born and raised on farms in Poland. In 1915 they
traded their home for a farm in the Town of
Strickland and started farming. Two more
children were born, Mary in 1917 and Andrew in
1920. A sad thing happened, Joseph contacted in-
fluenza and died in 1919. Stanley went to Chicago
where he found work and John followed soon after.
Elizabeth moved to Minneapolis, she married and
has made her home there. Lack of work brought
Stanley and John back. They worked in the woods
cutting logs and wood. Ann left for Minneapolis,
she too married and made her home there. John
and Frank also moved to Minneapolis where they
found work. Mary also moved to Minneapolis
where she married and made her home. In 1937
Micheal suffered a heart attack and passed away.
Stanley decided to stay on the farm with his
mother. When war was declared John and Frank
enlisted in the U.S. Air Force. They both served in
the mechanical division. John was stationed in the
Aleutian Islands, Frank was overseas. After the
war they were discharged and caie home. Soon
after, John left for Minneapolis to his place of
work, married and made his home there. Frank
married Julia Draus, a local girl, moved to Austin,
Minn. and has made his home there. Julia lived
with her daughters in Minneapolis during the
winter months and came back to the farm for the
summer. In her later years she spent most of her
time in Minneapolis In 1961 the Lord took her
away. Stanley quit farming in 1969 but continued
to do carpenter work. He built several homes,
barns and building in Rusk County. Stanley died
of a heart attack Jan. 4, 1980. The farm is still in
the family. All through the years the family would
get together for holidays and special occasions
which was a very happy time. Submitted by Mary
Kocik Ried/

Phillipe Koehler was born in Alsace Loraine,
France. At eighteen he left (1881) for the U.S.A.
He traveled to Colorado and worked as a "cowpun-
cher." On the cattle trails he was involved in some
Indian warfare, and carried a scar on his hip from
an arrowhead flint. He moved to Haverhill, Iowa
on a fall cattle drive. He met and married Clara
Edel in November 1889. They journeyed to Mur-
dock, Minnesota where they farmed. To them were
born nine children: Joseph, George, Lawrence,
Cecilia, John, Albert, Kathyrn, Valentine and Em-
ma. John died as an infant.
In the early 1900's the family moved from Mur-
dock to the then prospering lumber and farming
area in western Rusk County. He purchased
several hundred acres of land just south of
Weyerhaeuser on what is now County Trunk "F,"
and became very prosperous. He raised high grade
Guernsey cattle and sheep.
A log cabin sheltered the family for several
years. The tenth child, Edward, was born. He then
built a 6-bedroom home. The farm is now owned
by the Phil Buraks. The original house has been
replaced, but part of the barn still stands.

Phillipe Koehler log cabin

Family of Andrew and Irene Kocik- 1982
B.R.=Patricia, Peter, Janice
F.R.=Irene and Andrew
Andrew managed the Equity Co-op Store for 26
years and is now retired. I worked part time for the
United States Census Bureau, from 1964 to 1982,
retiring at age 62.
Our eldest daughter, Janice, graduated from the
University of Wis. at Superior with a degree in
Business Education. She married Steven Schultz
in 1963. They have two sons, Forrest and Canyon,
and reisde near Pittsville, Wis. She is now a
Business Education instructor in Marshfield, Wis.
Daughter, Patricia, graduated from beautician's
school in Eau Claire, Wis. and now operates a
beauty salon in Iron Mountain, Mich. She is mar-
ried to William Lovelace and they have two
daughters, Kelly Ann and Kady Marie.
Son Peter, married Joanne Kowalski in June of
1982. He graduated from Wisconsin Indianhead
Technical Institute in Rice Lake, Wisconsin in
May of 1983, with a one year Vocational Degree in
Cable Television Installation and Repair. He is
presently employed in Anoka, Minnesota. Sub-
mitted by Irene Jasicki Kocik
The heritage of the Kocik family goes back to
Krakow, Poland where Micheal Kocik and Julia
Pendzimas were born. They did not meet until they
came to Minneapolis, Minn. as they lived in dif-
ferent areas near Krakow. Micheal worked for the
Soo Line Railroad in Minneapolis. In 1901
Micheal and Julia were married and bought a
home in North East Minneapolis. In 1903 a son,
Joseph, was born then in 1906 Stanley, in 1908
Elizabeth, in 1910 John, in 1912 Ann and 1914

Michael and Julia Kocik


Grandfather became active in community and
civic affairs. He served several terms as chairman
of the Town of Stubbs. In that capacity he was a
County Board member. He also was a director in
the Weyerhaeuser State Bank. He was Rusk
County Highway Commissioner for two terms.
On a humerous note, as a young lad in Ger-
many, he took a punch at the nose of a lad named
Whilhelm when the latter poked fun at his
horsemanship. The young man later became
Kaiser Wilhelm. The Ladysmith News published
the anecdote in "Yesteryears."
The Koehler family attended St. Peter and Paul
Church in Weyerhaeuser. The children attended
school in the village. The first school was above the
old Blain Implement Building.
Joseph  married  Dawn   Cagley, settled  in
Weyerhaeuser in 1917 where Joseph worked for
the county and later for the Soo Line railroad in
the Weyerhaeuser roundhouse.
George married Laura Baribeau. They farmed
south of Weyerhaeuser. He also served as a cook

Phillipe Koehler Family