9TKNU        Ion p    .= ..WOODo OAL, COKE 
MWl 0B     d M Is"  ft" W at 0m  M  MEL n P oWl n ad 1M Ums* 
JANUSVILZ DIRECTORY                  9 
RELIABL DRUG 00. J. F. Pember, pres; A. H. Pember, no- 
tress; 225 W. Milwaukee. 
ZRLIANCE INIL 00. of Philadelphia. Penn., The Herbert J. 
Cunningham Agency, agts. 101 E. Milwaukee. 
~ Remington Typewriter Co. Harry E. Wemple, mngr. 411-412 
Jackman bldg. 
0     Remus Herman, lab. h. 358 Galena. 
s      Rendall Harold, lab. h. 625 Yuba. 
Rendoch Anton, lab. h. 1015 Jerome av. 
Rena James J. foreman Caloric Co; h. 404 S. Franklin. 
Resseguie Rufus R. h. 941 Benton av. 
q    REUS PHIMIP, saloon, 9 N. River, h. 909 Prospect av. 
DJEXORD JOHN G. pres. The First National Bank, h. 210 
Reynolds Charles H. com-trav. h. 1014 Ravine. 
Reynolds Edward L. lab. h. 641 Jackson. 
Reynolds George E. student, h. 1226 Maple ct. 
Reynolds Grace Miss, h. 1226 Maple ct. 
Reynolds John R. Rev. supt. Janesville Dist. Methodist Church, 
h. 1226 Maple et. 
Reynolds Olive, student, h. 1226 Maple et. 
Reynolds Romanda M. (wid. Leonard B.) h. 1014 Ravine. 
O      Rice A. Fred, supt. Oak Hill Cemetery, h. same. 
Rice Charles J. h. 1202 Ruger av. 
Rice Emma (wid. Ezra) h. 1518 Magnolia av. 
Rice Hazel Miss, h. 1202 Rugera,.                            - 
Rice Jeannette Miss, h. 466 N. Main.                        m 
Rice Lucy A. stenog. 1029 MeKey blvd. h. 1518 Magnolia av. 
Rice Walter J. (Bloedel & Rice) h. 1518 Magnolia av. 
Rice Walter S. supt. Janesville Pure Milk Co. h. 1021 Mineral 
r~~      Pt. av.                                                 - 
Rich Allen A. ast. meterman 30 W. Milwaukee, h. 414 Au. 
Richard Cyril A. finisher h. 1117 Wheeler. 
Richards Ann (wid. William) h. 102 8. Locust. 
SRichards Archie, h. 547 8. Franklin. 
Richards Cecil W. chauffeur, h. 614 5th av. 
Richards Ethel Miss. h. 1247 Ruger av. 
RICHARD FRANKLIN T. dentist, 27 W. Milwaukee, h. 108 
SRichards George, farmer, h. 1046 Carrington. 
Richard@ Harold E. chauffeur, h. 614 5th av. 
Richards Harry G. h. 265 S. Franklin. 
Are Patrons of the ROYAL THEATRE