Schedule showing the names of Indian reservations in the United States, agencies,
tribes occupying or belonging to the reservation, 4C.-Continued. 
Name of reservation.     Agency.         Name of tribe occupying reservation.
 Area in acres. Square  Date of treaty, law, or otherauthority establishin

miles. (a)                    reserve. 
               .       . 
Sac and Fox .......... 
Sac and.Fox...... Pottawatomi, Sac (Sauk) and Fox of the His- 
sissippi, and Winnebago. 
Black Bob............. Pottawatomie and *Black Bob's band of Shawnees, Pottawatomi..

Great Nemaha. 
Chippewa and ............. Chippewa and Munsi ..................... .................................. band of Pottawatomi.............

.................... ................................................   
         1 1 l,272  1 
....................  ................................................  
      bl, 511, 576   2 
........................................................41,102, 546     
1, 258 
1, 258 
b4, 349 
b4, 395 
b20, 273 
b77, 358 
1, 8921 Unoccupied Creek and Seminole ceded lands east of 
ninety.eighth meridian. 
2. 362 Unoccupied Chickasaw and Choctaw leased lands west 
of the North Fork of the Red River. 
2   By purchase.   (See act of Congress approved Mar. 2, 
1867, vol. 14, p. 507.)  Deeds Nov., 1876, and 1882 and 
6Q Treaty of May 10, 1854, vol. 10, p. 1053; Joint resolution 
. Mar. 0, 1879, vol. 20, p. 488. 
64I Treaty of July 16, 1859, vol. 12, p. 1105. 
32   Treaty of June 28, 1862, vol. 13, p. 623. 
121   Treaties of June 5, 1846, vol. 9, p. 853; of Nov. 15, 1861, 
vol. 12, p. 1191; treaty of relinquishment, Feb. 27. 1867, 
xinji,,9p. as 
SVol. 10, P. .531. 
         106,375      166 
Isabella ..............."Mackinac..        "Chippewas of Saginaw,
Swan Creek, and             511, 097       17J Executive order, May 14, 1855;
treaties of Aug. 2, 1855, 
Black River.                                                          vol.
11, p. 633, and of Oct. 18, 1864, vol. 14, p. 657. 
L'Anse ............. L'Anse and Vieux de Sert bands
of Chippe-           552, 684       824 Treaty of Sept. 30, 1854, vol. 10,
p. 1109. 
was of Lake Superior. 
Ontonagon ............. Ontonagon band of Chippewas of
Lake Su-             b2, 551        4  Sixth clause, second article, treaty
of Sept. 30, 1854, vol. 
perior.                                                               10,
p. 1109; Executive order, Sept. 25,1855. 
Total.      ...................  ..............................................
        66, 332      1031 
Boise Fort ............. La Points (B) ...... 
Deer Creek................ do ............. 
Fond du Lao........   .... do........... 
Grand Portage (Pigeon  .... .do.......... 
River).-                                / 
Leech Lake ............. White Earth (con- 
Mille Lac..        .       do ............. 
Red Lake..............    do   . 
Vermillion Lake ....... La Pointe (e). 
White Earth .......... White Earth (con- 
Win n 
(White Oak Point). 
Total........   ................. 
Blackfeet........... Blackfeet ......... 
Do ...............Fort Peck. 
Do............Fort Belknap 
Crow ................. Crow ............. 
Jocko .................. Flathead ......... 
Total ............ .................... 
Iowa (f) .............. Pottawatomie and 
Great Nemaba. 
Xiobrara............. Sanlee ............ 
a Approximate. 
b Surveyed. 
Bole Fort band of Chippewasa.................107,509 
..... .do  ......................................  23,040 
Foud du Lac band of Chippewas of Lake Su       b100,121 
Grand Portage band of Chippewas of Lake        a5I,840 
Pillager and Lake Winnebagoshish bands of       d94,440 
Chfpaewas.         i 
Mule Lac and Snake River bands of Chippe-       b611014 
Red Lake and Pembina bands of Chippewas.     a3, 200, 000 
Bois Fort band of Chippewas ......80.......      bl, 080 
Chippewasof the Mississippi,Gull Lake, Pem.   b796,672 
bina. Otter Tail, and Pilager Chippewas. 
Lake Winnebagoshish and Pillager bands of      d320,000 
Chippewas, and White Oak Point band of 
Mississippi Chippewas. 
........ .. .....................................  4,755,716 
Blaokfeet, Blood, and Plgan ............... 
Asinaboine, Bru6 Sante, Teton, Unkpapa, t  21 651, 200 
and Yanktoni Sioux. 
Gros Ventre, Assinaboine, and River Crow. J 
Mountain and River Crow ....................  4,713, 000 
Flathead, Kutenay, and Pond d'Oreille. 
Iow........... ............................... 
Santee Sioux ............................. 
c Out boundaries surveyed. 
d Partly surveyed. 
5, 000 
1, 245 
7, 481 
33, 83o0 
1,433,600     2,240 
27,797,800    43,434 
cg 16, 000      25 
b72, 915      114 
e In Minnesota and Wisc 
fin Kansas and Nebras 
Treaty of Apr.7,1868, voL 14, p. 765. 
Executive order, June 30,1883. 
Treaty of Sept. 30,1854, vol. 10, p. 1109; act of Congress 
approved May 29, 1872, vol. 17, p. 190. 
Treaty of Sept. 30, 1854, vol. 10, p. 1109. 
Treaty of Feb. 22, 1855, vol. 10, p. 1165 ; Executive orders, 
Nov. 4, 1873, and May 26, 1874. 
Treaties of Feb. 22, 1855, vol 10, p. 1165, and article 12, of 
May 7, 1864, vol. 13, pp. 693, 695. 
Treaty of Oct. 2, 1863, vol. 13, p. 667. 
Executive order, Dec. 20, 1881. 
Treaty of Mar. 19, 1867, vol. 16, p. 719; Executive orders, 
Mar. 19, 1879, and July 13, 1883. 
Treaties of Feb. 22, 185, vol. 10, p. 11'65, and of Mar. 19, 
1867, vol. 16, p. 719; Executive orders, Oct. 29, 1873, and 
May 26, 1874. 
Treaty of Oct. 17, 18b5, vol. 11, p.557; unratified treat'es 
of ul 18, 1866, and of July 18 wnd 15, and Sept. 1, 
1868; Executive orders, July 5, 1873, an~d Aug. 19, 
1h74; act of Congress approved Apr. 15, 1874._vol. 18, 
p  28; Executive orders, Apr. 13, 1875, and July 13, 
Treaty of May 7, 1868, vol. 15, p. 649; agreement made 
June 12, 1880, and approved by Ceugress Apr. 11, 1882, 
vol. 22 p. 42; and agreement made Aug. 22, 1881, ap. 
provediby CongressJuly 10, 1882, vol. 22, p. 157. 
Treaty of July 16, 1855, vo. 12, p. 975. 
Treatie of May 17, 1854, vol. 10, p. 1069, -nd of Mar. 6, 
1861, *ol. 12, p. 1171. 
Act of Congress approved Mar. 3, 1863, vol. 12, p. 819; 
4th paragraph, art. 6, treaty of Ar. 29, 1868, vol. 15, p. 
 7; Executive orders, Feb. 27, July 20, 1866, Nov. 16, 
1867, Aug. 31, 1869, Dec. 31, 1873, and Feb. 9, 1885, 
(32, 875.75acres selected as homesteads, 38,908. 91 
acres selected as allotments, and 1, 130.70 acres selected 
for agency, school, and mission purposes. 
onsin.               g Includes 5, 120 acres in Kansas. 