The following statements show the transactions in the Indian trust funds
and trust 
lands during the year ending October 31, 1885. 
Statements A, B, C, D, E, F, and G show in detail the various stocks, funds
in the 
Treasury to the credit of various tribes, and collections of interest. A
statement is 
also given showing the condition of nominal State stocks enumerated in Table
C, with 
certain correspondence relative thereto. 
A consolidated statement is given of all interest collected, and a statement
of interest 
appropriated by Congress on non-paying State stocks for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 
A statement also will be found showing the transactions arising on account
of moneys 
detived from the sales of Indian lands, all being sufficiently in detail
to enable a proper 
understanding of the subject. 
A.-List of names of Indian tribes for whom stock is held in trust by the
Secretary of the In- 
terior (Treasurer of the United States custodian), showing the amount standing
to the credit 
of each tribe, the annual interest, the date of treaty or law under which
the investment was 
made, and the amount of abstracted bonds for which Congress has made no appropriation,

and the annual interest on the same. 
Tribe,         Tat Large. Amount of Annualin- Amountof Annual 
Tray1rac.stock.                   terest.  abostrctdinterest. 
Vol. Page.                          bonds. 
Cherokee national fund.... Dec. 29,1835  7   478  $541,638 56 $31,378 31
$68, 000 00  $4,080 00 
Cherokee school fund....  Feb. 27,1819   7  195       , 75854 28  4,621 26
 15,000 00  900 00 
Dec. 29,1835    7   478    21 
Cherokee orphan fund...   Feb. 14,1873  17   462    22223 26    1,333 40.....................

F Oct. 20,1872 7   381 
Chickasaw national fund  May 24,1834     7   450   347,016 3   20321 01 
June 20,1878       4 
Chickasaw incompetents.. May 24,1834                 2,000 00    100 00 
Choctaw general fund ..... Jan. 17,1837  7   605   450,000 00  27,000 00.............
Delaware general fund..... May 6,1854   10  1048   189,281 90  11,887 03......
(oas.( May 17,1854                     10  1069    55,000 00  3,520 00......
low  . ............................ Mar.  6,1864  12  1171 5 
KaskasiasPeorias, &c....  May 30,1854  10  1082    77, 300 00  4,801
00     ............... 
5Feb. 23,1857   15   519        ~       4610.......... 
Kaskasias,&c.,school fundi Feb. 23,1867  15  519    20,700 00  1,449
00......  ............... 
Menomonees ..................... I Sept. 3,1836  7  506  19,000 00  950 00......
Pottawatomies, educationt Sept. 26,18,33  7  431 ..... 1-........ 07 . 61.0."..
""*100( ...." 
Total................................................1,800,016 83g 107,361
01  84,00000  4,98000 
*No interest appropriated on a $1,000 abstracted bond. 
NOTB. -The total of stocks held in trust, per last report, was .........................$1,808,016
This amount has been decreased by the redemption of Indiana 5s belong- 
ing to the Pottawatomie education fund ......................................................
$4,000 00 
And by the release to the United States, under the third article of treaty
the Ottawas and Chippewas, dated July 31,1855, of the following stocks be-

longing to said tribes, viz: Virginia 6s (Chesapeake and Ohio Canal) ........
3,000 00 
Tonnesee  5s  (A  renewed) ................................................................................
 1,000  00 
8,000 00 
Total October 31, 1885 ..........................................................................
$1,800,016 881