January 1, 18841 the contract price being $29,700, which, under the 
joint resolution of February 2, 1884, was paid out of the $150,000 ap- 
propriated in 1882 " for the purpose of further instructing and civiliziug

Indian children dwelling, west of the Mississippi River." The building

was completed before the end of the fiscal year, and was immediately 
occupied .by the Albuquerque Indian school, conducted by the Board 
of Home Missions of the Presbyterian Church, under a contract with 
the Indian Bureau. 
In the first section of the act of March 3, 1885 is the proviso: That, 
annually, on or before the first Monday of December of each year, a 
report shall be made of the 1 manner and for what purposes the general 
educational fund for the preceding year has been expended." 
The appropriation made by Congress, in 1884, for the general educa- 
tional fund, was $510,000. During the fiscal year ended June 30, 1885, 
expenditures were made from this fund as follows: 
Purposes of expenditure.              Amount. 
For pay of employ6s --------------------- ------------------------------------------
$165, 506 90 
For subsistence  ...................................................... "62,118
For clothing and goods -------------------------.-------------------------------
 54, 699 68 
For support and education of cbildren at contract schools ............................
 107, 660 04 
For miscellaneous and agricultural supplies -----------------.---------------------
 53, 097 05 
Total .............................................................................
 443, 082  50 
From this statement it appears that $66,917.50 of the appropriation 
of $510,000, made in 1884, for the general school fund of the fiscal year

ended June 30, 1885, was not used. This fact may be explained: Con- 
tracts for the maintenance and education of children were made, during 
the fiscal year of 1884-'85, amounting to $135,000, but when settlement 
with the contractors was made on the average attendance of children, 
only $107,660 was allowed, and in this way $27,340 was saved on these 
contracts. The sum of $180,000 was set aside to be used in paying 
employds, it having been estimated that this amount would be needed 
for this purpose, but only $165,500 was used, mnd in this way a saving 
of $14,500 made. The sum of $6,500 was returned by disbursing offi- 
cers at the expiration of the fiscal year, June 30, 1885, being unex. 
pended balances in their hands at that time. These facts explain why 
$48,340 of the $66,917.50, which was covered back into the Treasury at 
the end of the fiscal year of 1884-'85, was'not expended. 
By this act Congress also required an annual report of the number 
and kind of school-houses erected during the preceding year, and also 
the cost of school-house repairs.