Abstract of proposals received and contracts awarded in New York City, under
of March 30, 1885, for medical Supplies for the Indian service. 
[N oTm.-Figures in large type denote the rates at which contracts have been
awarded; awards were 
made on comparison of samples with which each bid was accompanied.] 
M U     Points of delivery. 
1  Acid, acetic, c. p., in 8.oz. g. a. bottles ------- ounces-. 50     500
      $0 02J $ 0 021 1 
2   Acid, benzoic, in 4-oz, bottles..---................ do.. 12       12
3   Acid, carbolic, for disinfection, in l-lb. bottles, 95 
per cent ................................. pounds.     41        423    
     16J       16   3 
4 Acid, carbolic, pure, crystallized, in  4-oz. g. s. 
bottles ................................... ounces.    70          46   
4       ,      4,  4 
5  Acid, citric, in 8-0z. bottles -------------------- do..-  96       S12
          5        5    5 
6  Acid, hydrocyanic, in 1-oz. bottles ....... ..... do..-   9          96
         14      11'2,6 
7  Acid, muriatic, c. p., in 4-oz. g. s. bottles ....... do..-    416 416
           3        , 3J 
8   Acid, nitric, C. P., in 4-oz. g. s. bottles ......... do.          350
          3J        31  8 
9  Acid, phos., dilute, U. S. P., in 4-oz. g. s. bottles.. do.. 56     566
        2-         3   9 
10  Acid, salic -lc, in 4-oz. bottles or tins ._._....... do_., 8     504
         144     [14 lo 
11  Acid: sulpfiaric, c. p., in 4-oz. g. s. bottles ------- do-.. 29    304
          3J       3J 1 
12  Acid, fsulphuric, aromatic, U.S.P., in 8-oz. g. S. 
bottles ................................... ounces.    876       87     
      34 ]1 
13  Acid, tannic, in 1-oz. bottles -------------------- do..  23        
33          16       15   1 
14   Acid, tartaric, in 8-oz. w. m. bottles ............. do-..  92     
12          4  4|1 
15  Aconite, tincture of, rad., in 8-oz. bottles ....... do..- 17339 1,355
           41       4    5 
16  Alcohol, in 32-oz. bottles, 95 per cent -------- bottles .  1,439 1,510
             68Gs      1 
17  Aloes, pulv., in 8-oz. bottles ----_---------. ounces-.   42        330
          4        3'1 
18  Alumina and potassa, sulphate of (alum), in 4-oz. 
bottles ----------------------------------- ounces.]  2, 344   2 ,3S4   
                1 I1 
19  Ammonia, aromatic spirits of, in 8-oz, g. s. bott .do..   1,392   19440
          4J       4J 1 
20  Ammonium, bromide of, in 4-oz. g. s. w.m. bott . do.. -  492        516
          51       5J!2 
21  Ammonia, carbonate of, in 8-oz. bottles -------- do..-   710        7'34
        2          2  2 
22  Ammonia. nmriate of, pulvis, in 8-oz. bottles ..-do..]   928,       952
          2J         J! 2 
23  Ammonia; solution of, U. S. P., in 8.oz. g. s. bott.,- do..  10, 7721
113,044   1-&         1 23 
24  Anise, oil of ----------------------------------- do..    125       A26
        14          5  2 
25  Antimony and potassa, tartrate of (tartar emetic), 
in 1-oz. g. s. bottles, U. S. P .............. onces.[  78 1        S   
    1J         22 
26  Aquifolium berberis, fluid    extract, in   16.oz.                  
bottles ................................... pounds-     89      105$    
   64          652 
27  Arnica, tinct, of, in 8.oz. bottles ------------ ounces,  6, 944  79,1S4
         3k           2 
28  Arsenite of potassa, solution of (Fowler's solution),I1 
in 4-oz. bottles, U. S. P ................... ounces.I  754      770    
      11        1J 2 
29  Assaftetida, gum, in tins .... ................. do-".   376   
    400           2J]i     2!2 
30  A tropia, sulph., in  -oz. bottles  -........... - d. .  o   [1111 l
i     6 1  i   6   0   3 
31  Belladonna, alcoholic extract of, in l-oz. w. M. jr  ...................one.!
19 11  9    1 
32  Bismuth, subnitrate of, in    2-oz. bottles, U. S. 
P ......................................... ounces.  1,028       99S    
     18        17J,3. 
33  Borax, powdered, in 8-oz. g. s. bottles ---------- do.. -  1, 696 [ 19712
       2'         2J 3 
34  Buchu, fluid extract of, in 8-oz. g. s. bottles-....do..  1,490  1,576
               4    4  3 
35   Camphor,' in 8-oz. bottles ...................... do-.[  3,624 I 3,9OSS
         2J         ti31 
36  Cannabis Indica, F. E., in 4-oz. bottles .......... do..  464       472
          7         73 
37  Capsules, empty, ass'd, N~os. 0 to 4  _......boxes.   916 ]      92S
         16       15   3 
38  Cascara sagrada, F. E., in l-lb. bottles . ....pounds.   181       1194
        90        90   3 
39  Castor oil, in 32-oz. bottles, cold-pressed....- bottles.  1,165 i 1,9209
       51       50   3 
40   Cerate, blistering, in 8-oz. tins --_---------. ounces.I  292      300
         7J           4 
41   Cerate, simple, in l-lb. tins ----------------- pounds.-  211     2
13          3      1354 
42   Chalk, prepared, in 8-oz. bottles._.,--....... ounces.-  748      7
 56j                   1J4 
43  Chloral, hydrate of, in 4-oz. g. s. w. m. bottles.udo..   50094     600
         13       12k   1 
44  Chloroform, purified, in 8-oz. g. s. bottles ........ do..  12, 760 3272
45  Cinchona, fluid extract of (with aromatics), in 8-oz. . 
bottles.......-............................ounces  72,656      ,   6 96 
1    U          4  4 
6  Aichid, roc acei o  bottles..............do..   5896        96       
  14       12 
47  cidnm, uiaic c.p in -ozgs. bottles.....do..     16       416        
  3k        k2 
48  cidve, nitic, c.f, in -oz. g. s. bottles .......... do..  3441  30  
      1:       !3k