vation be revoked, and that negotiations be opened with the Crow 
Indians for the purchase of so much of the northeast corner of their 
reservation as maybe necessary for the Northern Cheyennes in Montana. 
Ie secured a written agreement by the Indians to remove to, and locate 
on, such reservation as might be determined upon by the Department. 
Final action has not been taken on this report, but the subject will 
hereafter be specially submitted for your consideration and action. 
The act of March 3, 1885 (Stat. 23, 370), authorized the Secretary of 
the Interior, in his discretion, and with the consent of, the Indians, to

extend the time of payment as fixed by section 2 of the act of August 
7, 1882 (Stat.,22, 341), for the Omaha Reservation lands lying west of 
the Sioux City and Nebraska Railroad, recently sold under authority of 
said act, so that one-third of the purchase money should become due 
and payable in two years from the date when the land was thrown open 
to settlement, with one year's interest on the amount of the first install-

nent; one-third in one year; and the remaining third in two years 
from date of first payment, with interest as provided in the act last 
-above mentioned. 
Owing to the stress of hard times, and the failure'to get returns from 
their crops in time, it was found that many of the purchasers would be 
unable to make their first payments at the date fixed by law. It was 
not deemed advisable to go to the expense of reselling the lands, and 
in the light of past experience in similar cases it was believed that it

would be more to the advantage oif the Indians to extend the time of 
payment. The question having been submitted to the Indians as re- 
quired, they readily gave their consent, and the extension was accord- 
ingly granted. 
All the lands lying west of the railroad, not previously allotted to the

Indians, have been sold. 
By the same act (March,3, 1885) provision was made for the appraise. 
ment and sale of the unallotted lands in township 24, range 7 east. It 
was stipulated in the act of August 7, 1882, providing for the sale of 
the lands west of the railroad, &c., that all land in township 24, range

7 east, remaining unalloted on the 1st day of June, 1885, should be ap. 
praised and sold as other lands under the provisions of said act. 
A commission, composed of Messrs. Henry E. Williamson, of Missis. 
8ippi; Edward L. Thomas, of Georgia, and Henry Fontenelle, of Ne- 
braska, was appointed, and sent out during the summer to make the re- 
quired appraisement. They received their instructions from this office 
under date of July 3, 1885, and submitted their report and schedule of 
appraisement on the 30th of the same month. From their report it ap- 
pears that the quantity of land appraised was 4,840.24 acres; the ag- 
gregate appraised value thereof $43,061.87, and the average value per 
acre a fraction less than $9. The schedule of appraisement was approved