Abstract of proposal8 received and contracts awarded in Washington, D. C.,

[NoET.- Figures in large type denote the rate 
Points of delivery.                0 
4a                                                              04 
Pounds.       Pounds. 
46  Crow Creek, Dak ......................o800,u000          S00000     
  a$3 65     $b3 69 
47  Pine Ridge, Dak .........................  6,500 000  6,500,000     
    a 64       i3 57 
.............. i................  . ............ ........... 
..............  ............... f   _.. . .- .I . . . . . . 
48  Rosebud, Dak ...........................   6,500,000  6,500,000     
   h3 67     i3 53 
.............. ............  ...  t3  57  ............ 
49  Yankton School and Agency, Dak               600, 000   600,000     
    a3 65      N369 
a In two deliveries, as required, between July 15 and October 1, 1885, including,
if required, 25 per 
cent. additional to be received at date of last delivery. Northern wintered
b In two deliveries: First one to be made between July 15 and August]15,
1885, and second before Oc- 
tober 15,1885, second delivery to include the 25 per cent. additional, if
required. Northern wintered 
c Monthly during July, August, and September, 1885, and balance all at one
time in October, 1885. 
Northern wintered cattle. 
d One delivery, about the last of Julyj; balance about October 1,1885. July
delivery to be sufficient 
to last until October, 1885. If preferred, can deliver monthly, as wanted,
until October, when bal- 
ance due under contract is to be delivered. Northern wintered cattle. 
e Weekly or monthly, as desired, from July to October, 1885. Balance in one
delivery, between Oc. 
tober 1 and 20, 1885. (No description of cattile.) 
f To be delivered on or about September 1, 1885. Northern wintered cattle.

g Gross beef. Deliveries monthly to October 1, 1885, balance not later than
October 15,1885.  (No 
description of cattle.) 
h In two deliveries, as required, between July 15 and October 1, 1885, including,
if required, 25 per 
cent. additional to be received at date of last delivery. 
i As required to October 1, 1885. Enough to be delivered between October
1 and 15,1885, to last until 
June 1, 1886, then as required to June 30,1886. Additional 25 per cent.,
if required, to be taken be, 
tween October 1 and 15,1885. Northern wintered cattle. 
k Delivered in September, 1885. Not subect to increase. Northern wintered
IDelivered in October, 1885. Other conditions exactly like the next above,
with price affixed, $3.58. 
undr advertisement of May 9,1885, for furnishing supplies, 4o.-Continued.

at which contracts have been awarded.] 
0'4.                         4 
*                    ,, 
45          0 
4;0                                 bo 
c$3 67  &$34e6 4376      J$3 72  g$3 63 ..............................46

k358  ............ ......  p3 62  .......................47 
13 56............e364    3 67J............n$3 61    1 
my7 90........................5.57.............425............ 
.5....................  359-359..............-u$3W 
.                        .........................v3 65 
.3----%.... ....... . ......   ....... . .. o425 ........."W5 50 
c357    d357       e381    f372    g366J---... .........................

m Dressed beef in the quarter, in not less than car-load lots, in monthly
nAs required to December 1, 1885; one delivery in December, 1885, to cover
to April 30, 1886. One 
delivery, May 1,1886, to complete contract. Northern wintered cattle. 
o According to advertisement. Northern wintered cattle. 
p As required to October 1, 1885; then final delivery of all required. Northern
wintered cattle. 
q As required to October 1,1885; then all that may be required to June 1,
1886; then as required to 
completion of contract. Northern wintered cattle. 
r For any called for under article 2 of contract, between October 1,1885,
and June 1,1886. Northern 
wintered cattle. 
s Monthly delivery to October 1. Between October 1 and 15 sufficient to last
till Juno 1,1886, and 
balance when called after June 1,1886. Northern wintered cattle. 
Will deliver, as required, until October 1,1885, and then if the whole amount
to fill the contract 
shall be received between October 1 and15,1885, will deduct 10 cents per
100 poandA gross weight, in- 
cluding the 25 per cent., if it is required. Northern raised or wintered
u Deliveries as required to October 1, 1885, and then final delivery of all
required under contract. 
Northern wintered cattle. 
v As required to October 1, 1885; then all required to last to June 1,1886;
then as required to close of 
contract. Northern wintered cattle. 
w If called for under article 2 of contract, between October 1,1885, and
June 1, 18a Northern win. 
tered cattle. 
x Awarded 300,000 pounds gross. 
y Delivered at Valentine.