by Congress in 1884, is given in tabulated statements submitted here- 
with.    These statements show:1 
1. The total number of boarding.schools at agencies, or under super- 
vision of agents, to have been 84; average attendance, 4,066.27; num- 
ber of employ       s, 423; total amount paid         to employes, $181,811;
amount paid for supplies and all other expenses of schools, $307,163.10;

total cost of all agency boarding-schools, $488,974.10. 
2. The total num-ber of day-schools at agencies to have been 86; av- 
erage attendance, 1,848.80; number of employds, 93; total amount paid 
to employes, $38,411; other expenses, $6,183.15; total cost of all agency

day-schools, $44,594.15. 
3. The name and location of, average attendance at, and amount paid 
to schools not connected with Indian agencies, at which schools Indians 
were placed by the Government. 
At 23     contract and      other schools in       States and Territories-these

schools not being under the supervision of Indian agents, and in which 
children were placed during the fiscal year at various rates per annum- 
there was an average attendance of 710 pupils, costing the Government 
$80,653.33. The following is a detailed statement of these schools: 
number of     Cost. 
Number of schools and rate of tuition.             nube ofupist. 
6 at $100 per annum  .....................................................
 227  $17,166  45 
1 at $110 per annum ----------------------------------------------------
 13    857 23 
2 at $120 per annum  .....................................................
 112  12,478  66 
1 at $130 per annum  .....................................................
 50  2, 244  31 
13 at $167 per annum ------------------------------------------ 308     
     47, 906 68 
23                                                                    710
     80,653 33 
A tabulated statement of contracts made during the fiscal year with 
various religious organizations and educational institutions to teach 
'Tables B, C, and D, pp. CXCII, CCII, ccvIII. The following is a recapitulation
the statistics contained in these tables: 
Capacity of      Average attendance.      Total cost. 
se ools. 
Em-                 No. of                 per 
ployco.             sch oolo  $533,568.25.  capita 
Board-       l                                          per 
ing.  Day.       Boarding.  Day.                      month. 
Boarding.  Day. 
Boarding-schools, by Government ......  4,199  423  2,970.05   .........
 $395,444 36  .-----  $14 55 
Boarding-schools, by Government and 
by religious associations -----------  232 -  -------  199.04 ..........
 6  8,347 91   ---  12 
Boarding-schools, by contract .........  1,450  - - - 897.18  ----------
 17  85,181 83  ----------  8  78 
Day-schools, by Government -------... 4,148  93 -------- 1,705.27  80 ------
$41,634 15  3 57 
Day-school, by contract (Turtle Mount-i 
ain) ----------------------- - - - - - - - --...... .........  ..................
 41.10  ............  1,0000  2 43 
Day-schools, by contract (North Caro- 
lina) -------------_--------------- -  -------- ----- - - -   - - - - - -
- - - -  102.43  5  ------------  1,96000  --------- 
Total ...........................  5,881  04,148  516  4,066.27  1 1,941.90
 170  488,974  10  44,594  15  . ------- 
*There is a capacity for 285 day scholars at boarding-schools reported, and
an av erage attendance of 93.10, included in these 