Traverse, and the Devil's Lake Indian Agencies. By the seventh sec- 
tion of an act approved July 15, 1870, the Secretary of the Interior was

directed to distribute the proceeds of the sales of lands among these 
Indians at the agencies named, according to numbers. At that time 
the Indians at Lake Traverse numbered 1,426, at Devil's Lake 732, and 
at Santee and Flandreau 974. 
On February 24, 1883, the receipts from sales of these lands had 
amounted to $857,972.04, all of which, excepting $68,0137.71, has been 
expended. But a large sum has been received from sales since February 
24, 1883. From this the Indians cannot, under existing conditions, re- 
ceive any benefit. The misunderstanding existing between Govern- 
ment officials concerning the amount that should be charged against 
receipts as expenses of sales keeps these receipts "suspended"-keeps

them in the hands of the Government, not credited to the Indians to 
whom they belong. 
The expenditures made out of the receipts of these land sales have 
amounted to $794,813.68. The record does not show that the Secretary 
of the Interior ever used his discretion in the disbursement of any of 
this large sum for educational purl)oses. 
At this time the balance on hand to the credit of these Indians is as 
Agency.                 Amount. 
At Santee and Flandreau  ..................................  $19, 532 15

At Lake Traverse----------------------------------39, 092 72 
At Devil's Lake.............................. -............... 9,442  84

Total.................................................68,067  71 
It was provided, by the agreement with the confederated bands of 
Utes, made at Washington City, March 6, 1880, that, in addition to 
certain annuities and sums for provisions and clothing, a sum of money, 
or its equivalent in bonds of the United States, sufficient to produce 
$50,000 per annum, should be set apart and held by the Government, 
to be distributed to the Utes per capita, annually, forever. When this 
agreement was submitted to Congress it was amended by the following 
That the President of the United States may, in his discretion, appropriate
amount thereof, not exceeding $10,000, for the education, in schools established
or beyond the limits of the lands selected, of such youth of both sexes as
in his judg- 
ment may be best qnalified to make proficiency in practical industries and
necessary for their self-support. 
Under this proviso, $10,000 of the Utes' $50,000 annual per capita 
fund was appropriated by the President for educational purposes in 
1883, but no appropriation was made in 1884. It is respectfully sug- 
gested that the President should be requested to appropriate the pro- 
viso amount of this fund for educational purposes during the current 
fiscal year.