D.-Statement of funsds held in trust by the Government in lieu of investment.

Date of     Statutes at Large.                 Annual 
Tribes and fund.              acts, resolu-                  Amountintte
i interest at 
tions,                      ;U4 and 5 per 
or treaties.  Vol. Page. See.     Treasury.       cent. 
Choctaws       ...........................{ ian. 20,1825      236       
}   390,257 92   $19,512 89 
............................. j une 22,1855  11  614  3 
Choctaw orphan fund ............................. Sept. 27,1830  7  337 
19    1,608 04        80 40 
Choctaw school fund .................. *...Apr. 1,1880  21  70 .........
  49,472 70     2,473 63 
Choctaw general fund ............................ Apr. 1,1880  21  70 . d......
55,814 00   2,'790 70 
{Aug. 7, 1856,   11   701      6      200,000 00   10, 000 00 
Creeks .......................................... .......  A u . ,1 56 1
70 i 6  20 0 0 00  0, 0   0 
r.June 14,1866    14    786     3      675,168 00   33,758 10 
f July 15,1870    16    362 ......... 
Cherokees .........................      June 5,1872     17   2         
    724,137 41    36, 206 87 
Cherokee asylum fund ........................... Apr. 1,1880  21  70 .........
 64,147 17   3,2207 36 
Cherokee national fund .........................Apr. 1,1880  21  70..........
 427,242 20  21,362 10 
Cherokee orphan fund ...........................Apr. 1,1880  21  70 .........
 228,83.5 43  11,441 77 
Cherokee school fund ............................. Apr. , 1880  21  70  
   458,764 06    22,938 20 
Chickasaw national fund ....................... Apr. 1.1880  21  70 .........
 959,678 82  47, 983 94 
Chippewa and Christian Indians fund... Apr. 1,1880       21    70 .........
  42,560 36     2,128 01 
Delaware general fund ........................... Apr. 1,1880  21  70 .........
 673, 894 64  3.3, 694 72 
Delaware school fund ............................. Apr. 1, 1880  21  70 ..........
11,000 00  550 00 
lowas................................May     7,1854    10  1071     9   
   57,500 00     2,875 011 
Iowa  fund ............................................... Apr.  1, 1880
 21  70  . ..  116,543  37  5,827  16 
Kansas...............................June 14,1846       9   842     2   
  200,000 00    10,000 00 
Kansas school fund......................... Apr. 1, 1880  21  70........
    27, 174 41    1, 358 72 
Kaskaskias, Peorias, Weas, and Pian- 
keshaws fund ..................................... Apr. 1, 1880  21  70 ..700
92           1&5 04 
Kaskaskias, Peorias, Weas, and Pian- 
keshaws school fund............................ Apr. 1,1880  21  70     
   20,'711 97    1,035 59 
Kickapoos ................................................ May 18, 1854 
10  1079.. 2  89, 864 88  4,493 24 
Kickapoo general fund ......................Apr. 1,1880  21    70  .....
    128,571 78     6, 428- 58 
L'Anse and Vieux de Sert Chippewa 
fund  .................................................... Apr.  1,1880 
21  70  .........  20,000  00  1,000  00 
Menomonee fund ...................................Apr. 1,1880  21  70   
    134,039 38     6, 701 97 
Miamies of Kansas ................................. June 5,1854  10, 1094
 3  21,884 81     1,094 24 
Omaha   fund .............................................Apr.  1,1880 21
 70 .  28, 499  51  1424  97 
Osages ..................................................June  2, 18251 7
 242  6  69,120  00  3,456  011 
C !A p r .  1 , 1 8 8 0  1  7 0 . . 
I: July 15,1870   16   362    12' 
Osage fund.....................................4May  9,1872  17  91     
  4,875,101 04   243,7550 O5 
June 16,1880    21   291 "........ 
Osage school fund ................................Apr. 1, 1880  21  70  
    119,911 53     5,995 57 
Ottawa and Chippewa fund..............Apr. 1, 1880       21    70 ......
     16,956 25 1     847 81 
Otoes and Missourias.................. Aug. 15,1876      19   208   ... 
    416,861 59    20,843 07 
Ponca fund ............................................. M ar.  3,1881  21
 422  1.........  f70, 000  00  3,500  00 
Pottawatomies ....................................  June  5, 91846  1  4
 7  2 
June 17,1846                        30,06420     11,50321 
Pottawatomiesgeneral fund ..................Apr. 1,1880  21    70       
     89, 618 57    4 480 93 
Pottawatomies educational fund ...........Apr. 1,1880    21    70       
     76,993 93     3,849 70 
Pottawatomies mill fund ....................... Apr. 1,1880  21  70 .'"..1
   17,482 07       874 10 
5Oct.  2,1837     7   541     2       200,000 00 1  10 000 00 
S a c  a n d  F o x  o f  t h e  M i s s i s s i p p i ... . . . . . . .
. . { O t  1 3   I  . .I" i  0 , 0 0   0 1 , 0 0 0 
Oct. 11,1842     71596       2      800,000 00    40, 000 00 
Sac and Fox of the Mississippi fund ...... Apr. 1,1880   21    70..     
     55,058 21     2,752 91 
Sac and Fox of the Missouri...........   Oct. 21,1837    7    543       
    157,400 00     7,870 00 
Sac and Fox of the Missouri fund ......... Apr. 1,1880   21    70..     
     21,659 12     1,082 96 
Seminoles....                            Aug. 7,1856     11   702     8 
    500,000 00    25,000 00 
Seminole .............................May 21,1866  14  757  3 I1  70,000
00     3,500 00 
Senecas of New York ............................. June 27,1846  9  35  2-3
  118,050 00     5,902 5 
Seneca fund ........................................... Apr. 1,1880  21 
70   40,979 60     2,048 98 
Seneca and Shawneefund..............Apr. 1,1880         21     70    .  
     15,140 42      757 02 
Senecas (Tonawanda band) fund ............I Apr. 1,1880  21    70.........
   86,950 00     4,347 50 
Shawnees.........................    . May 10, 1854    10  1056     3   
   40,000 00     2,0000 
Shawnee fund ........................................ Apr. 1,1880  21  70
     1,985 6M5       9928 
Shoshone and Bannack fund ................. July  3,1882  22  149       
      6,000 00       309 00 
Eastern Shawnee fund ........................... Apr. 1,1880  21  70 .9,079
12               453 95 
Stockbridge consolidated fund .............. Feb. 6,1871  16  405 .........
  75,886 04     3,794 30 
Umatilla school fund .............................. Apr. 1,1880  21  70 ....
 44,615 14     2,230 75 
Ute five per cent. fund ........................... Apr. 29,1874  18  41
 2  500,000 00    25,000 0D 
Ute four per cent. fund ...........................Junei,'18801  2'  204
 5  1,250,000 00  50,000000 
Winnebagoes       .......................5  Nov. 1,1837 1  7  5461    4 
    804,909 17    40,245 45 
July 15,18701   16   355   ......   78,340 41     3,917 0 
Amount of four and five per cent. funds, 
as above stated, held by the Govern- 
ment in lieu of investment .................. .................. ..........
16,668,233 84........... 
Amount of annual interest ............................................................
821,511 59