284.                       INDIAN   LEGISLATION. 
thereon, and that in case a due regard for and voluntary obedience to the

If admonition laws and treaties of the United States, and if this admonition
and warn- 
no t suffi c i e t, ing be not sufficient to effect the purposes and intentions
of the Govern - 
military power     __hri 
will be invoked ment as herein declared, the military power of the United
States will be 
to abate posses- invoked to abate all such unauthorized possession, to prevent
such threat- 
sion and prevent ened entry and occupation, and to remove all such intruders
from the said 
or remove intru- 
ders.        -Indian lands. 
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal 
of the United States to be affixed. 
Done at the city of Washington, this thirteenth day of March, one 
thousand eight hundred and eighty-five, and of the Independence of the 
United States of America the one hundred and ninth. 
[SEAL. ]                             GROVER CLEVELAND. 
By the President: 
Secretary of State. 
No. 14. 
Proclamation by the President relative to Crow Creek and Old Win- 
nebago Reserve in Dakota. See page LI of this report.