In the city of Mexico, being present in the reception room of the D epart-

ment for Foreign Affairs, Seflor Don Jos6 Fernandez, UnderSecretary 
in charge of the said Department, and Mr. Harry H. Morgan, Charg6 
d'Affaires ad interim of the United States of America, the first manifests

thatthe Executiveof the United States of Mexico having been authorized 
by the Chamber of Senators of the Congress of the Union, under date of 
the ninth instant, to renew the convention of the twenty-ninth of July, 
one thousand eight hundred and eighiy-two concerning the reciprocal 
passage of regular federal troops across the frontier in pursuit of hostile

Indians he was prepared to sign the following agreement and both con- 
tracting parties being satisfied of the full authorization granted to each

to treat upon the subject, in the name of their respective Governments, 
agreed upon the following: 
It is agreed that the Convention entered into in the city of Washington 
on the twenty-ninth day of July, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, be- 
tween the United States of America therein, represented by Frederick T. 
Frelinghuysen, Secretary of State of the same, and the United States of 
Mexico, therein represented by Matias Romero, their Envoy Extraordinary 
and Minister Plenipotentiary at Washington, which provides for the recip-

rocalpassage, in the unpopulated or desert parts of the international bound-

ary line, by the regular federal troops of the respective Governments, in

pursuit of savage hostile Indians, is hereby renewed in all of its parts,

conditions, and stipulations, except in regard to the time for which the

said agreement will remain in force, the time of which has been reduced 
one year counting from the thirty-first of October eighteen hundred and 
eighty-four; that is until the thirty-first of October eighteen hundred 
and eighty-five. 
In faith of which we have signed and exchanged reciprocally this Pro- 
tocol at the city of Mexico, to-day, the thirty-first of October, eighteen

hundred and eighty-feur. 
[SRAL.]                                  JOSE FERNANDEZ. 
No. 12. 

A[Vol. 23, p. 843.] 
Whereas, it is alleged that certain individuals, associations of persons
*                        Certain per- 
and corporations are in the unauthorized possession of portions of the ter-
sons and associ- 
ritory known as the Oklahoma lands within the Indian Territory, which ations
alleged to 
are designated, described, and recognized by the treaties and laws of the
be in unauthor- 
*        1 z e d possession 
United States and by the Executive authority thereof as Indian lands; of,
or preparing 
And whereas, it is further alleged that certain other persons or associ-
to make forcible 
ations within the territory and jurisdiction of the United States have entry
and settle- 
ment on the 
begun and set on foot preparations for an organized and forcible entry and
settlement upon the aforesaid lands, and are now threatening such entry 
and occupation;                                                    And the
And whereas, the laws of the United States provide for the removal Ofof the
U. S. pro- 
all persons residing or being found upon such Indian lands and territoryviding
for the re- 
. Z   nmoval of persons 
without permission expressly and legally obtained of the Interior Depart-found
ment;                                                            permission
 o i 
Now, therefore, for the purpose of protecting the public interestsasrndian
well as theinterests of the Indian Nations and Tribes, and to the end that

no person or persons may be induced to enter upon said territory where 
they will not be allowed to remain without the permission of the authority
S u ch persons 
aforsaid I Goveri~i-w arned that 
aforesaid, I, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States, do herebyw
,                      .            .they will not be 
warn and admonish all ahd every person or persons now in the occupationpermitted
to en- 
of such lands, and all such person or persons as are intending, preparlng,ter
or remain on 
or threatening to enter and settle upon the same, that they will neithersaid
be permitted to enter upon said territory, nor, if already there, to remai