two from the ground, and utter a cackling, screaming and dis-
cordant cry.
  "r They have been found in these places of resort even earlier
than the appearance of light in the east. This fact has led to the
belief that a part of them assemble over night. The rest join
them in the morning. This leads to the further belief that they
roost on the ground. And the opinion is confirmed by the dis-
covery of little rings of dung, apparently deposited by a flock
which had passed the night together. After the appearance of
the sun they disperse.
  "s These places of exhibition have been often discovered by
the hunters; and a fatal discovery it has been for the poor
Grouse. Their destroyers construct for themselves lurking holes
made of pine branches, called bough-houses, within a few yards
of the parade. Hither they repair with their fowling-pieces in
the latter part of the night, and wait the appearance of the birds.
Watching the moment when two are proudly eyeing each other,
or engaged in battle; or when a greater number can be seen in
a range, they pour on them a destructive charge of shot. This
annoyance has been given in so many places, and to such ex-
tent, that the Grouse, after having been repeatedly disturbed,
are afraid to assemble. On approaching the spot to which their
instinct prompts them, they perch on the neighbouring trees,
instead of alighting at the scratching place. And it remains to
be observed, how far the restless and tormenting spirit of the
marksmen, may alter the native habits of the Grouse, and oblige
them to betake themselves to new ways of life.
   "They commonly keep together in coveys, or packs, as the
 phrase is, until the pairing season. A full pack consists of course
 of ten or a dozen. Two packs have been known to associate. I
 lately heard of one whose number amounted to twenty-two.
 They are so unapt to be startled, that a hunter, assisted by a
 dog, has been able to shoot almost a whole pack, without mak-
 ing any of them take wing. In like manner the men lying in
 concealment near the scratching places, have been known to
 discharge several guns before either the report of the explosion,