STATES     Area Inj      POPULATION.        mi|es 1.
AND       8a11saer
TERRIToRtncS. Alies.   1860.    1870. ,    s   82 187  2.
Alsbama .t .   50.722 964,201 996,992 ........  8051,671
Arkansas .........5,198 435,450  484,4   ..     325
Cali fornia .1 ,981 79,994 .50,24 .........2 1018
Connecticut.   . 4    460,147  587 454 ......... 680  80
Delaware ..       ,12   112,216  125015 .........l L2  227
Florida ........5928    140,424  187 748 .......... 402  46
Geor Ua ........... . 0-o 1,057,286 1,184,109[ .......... |]4(2.108
[l i S s  ... .. . 5.5. ,4 10  1  7 1 1,9 5 1 2 ,9,  8 9 1 j  ..........  2 9 9   5 ',9 0 4
Indiana ........ 33,80911,50,4281,680 6837 ......... .,1 529
Iowa......   ... 55,045  674,9181,191 792 1,350,544  7313,160
Kansas....... 81.318    107,209  364 399  52,349..1. ]760
Kentucky ...5.. 87,600 1.155,684 1,321,011 .........  876 1,123
Louisiana ........I41,34b  708,002  726,915 857,089  855  539
1aine ......... 31,776  628,279| 626,915 ......... 50(5  871
Maryland ....1... Il184  687,049  780,894 .......... 401 820
Massachn,ets...  7.800 1,231,0661 1,457 451 1,651,9121,285 1,606
Michigan,.,.....56,451  749,113  184,059 1.334,031 853  :235
Minnesota. .    83,531  172,02!  439.7061 598,429.. 1,1
Mississippi .....47,156  791,305  827,922 ..........88  991
Missour ....... 65,35011,182,012 1,721,295 .......... 8382 58'
Nebraska .....  75,99 5   8,841 '123998 246,280..     2
Nevada ...... 1192.090    6:857   42,49    52,540 ..   9
New Hampsire     9.28   826,073| 318,300 .......... 661  790
New Jersey ....28,80       ,011! 5  0  1,026,502 813 1,265
New Yor! ........ C000 3 980735 4,88.759 4,705,208 2,728, 4,470
North Carolina.. 50,704 992,6221,071,861 .........937 1,190
Ohio .......... 59,964 2 339,511  665,260 ......... 1  ,740
)re,on.......... 95:244  .52,4651  90,923 .........  4  159
Last Census of Michigan taken in 1874.

FUiAJ       Area in        'POPULATION.          Miies R. K.
ERAND         squ1are
T   tITORIES.   Miles.    1860.    1870.    1875.   1882. 1872.
Pennsylvania.       45,0   2,905,215 3,521,791......    3,006 5.113
"tlte Iland .........  1,306  140   217,353  258,23    108   136
South arolina........  2,85   703,70   705,806  920,145   973 1.20
Tennessee ...........  45,6001 1,19,801 1,25.520 ...........1,23 1,520
Texas .............287,504      4             ...........  451  865
Vermont ...............10,21                 .       .   562  675
Virginia.............  40:904 1.219,60 1,2251683. .    1,379 1,490
West V    ia ........  28,000  376,688  442,014 .... ....... 31  485
Wisconsin,........... 5,924   775,88  1,054.870 1,236,79  951l 1,,25
Total State ...1,950,1 11 31,188.744 38,113,258 .........832,120,59,587

Arizona ...........
Colorado ...........
Distrlct of  olunbia.
Idaho  .................
Montana ..............
New Mexico ..........


.... ......
/ 75,08(

Uta...........0,058        40,2178   876.       ........
Was      o69,944                 11 594    2 955...... .....   .  .
Wyoming ...........9 8, 0............       9.118 .............
Total Territories  9102     259,577   442,70 ........... ... 1,1
Aggregate of the U.S. 2,915,203831,448,821 38,555,983 00,000,000'32,120150,
-Included in the Rtailroad Mileage of Maryland.

Principal Countries of the World; Population, Area, Religion, and Government.

Date I           Ie s   nhabitant,9
COUNTRS.           Population.  eof       A     in    to it uare
1Censu. ISquare Mties.  Mlie.
China ...................... 446 500,000.....1871.. 8,741 846 ...... 119.8... I
rlitlish Empire............ 226 817,108... '.1871.. 4,677,432 ....... 48.6 ...
Russia................... 81,925,400.....1871.. 8,003,778...... 10.2... S
United States,with Alaska 38,925,600.....1870.. 2,603,884  ..... 7,78.. V
krance ..................... 36469,800... 1866.   204,091 ....... 178.7... 1
Austria and Hungary ..... 85,904,400.....1869..   240,348 ...... 149.4... N
Japan ..................... 84,785,300 ..1871..   149,399 ...8232...
Great Britainand Ireland 31,817,100.. ..1871..    121,315 ...... 262... I
German Empire .......... 29,906,092.. 1871  ..   160,207......187.... B
Italy ...... * ......... ..27,489,921.  18'1.     118,847 ....... 280.9.., 1
Spain .....................  1,642,000.....1867.  195,775 ....... 85.... A
Brazil ..................... 10.000,000 ........... ..8,253,029 ...... 8.07.. 1
Turkey ..................... 16,463.000 .............. 672,621 ....... 24.4.. C
Mexico .....................  9,178,000.  ..1869  .   781,526 ................ h
Sweden and Norway ......  6,921,500.. ..1870      292,871....... 20. ... S
Persia ......................  5,000,000.. ..1870..  685,9154 ....... 7.8...
Belgium ................. ..021.800.. ..1869..     11,378 ....... 441.5... 13
Bavaria...............   4,861.400... 1871.        9,292 ...... 165.9...
Portugal......... ....... 8,995,200.....1868..     34,494 ...... 115.8... I
Holland .................. 3,688,800, ..1870 .     12,880 ..1290.9... 1
New Grenada ...........  ,000,000.....1870..    857,157 ...... 8.4... 3
Chill ..................... 2,000,000....1869..   1382,616 ....... 15.1... S
Switzerland ................  2,669,100... 1870.,  15,992 ....... 166.9... B
Peru .......................  2,800,000.....1871..  471,838...... 5.3.. I
Bolivia ....................  2,000,000 ...............  497,321 ...... 4.  ... C
Argentine Republic ......  1,812.000....1869 ..... 871,848 ......  ... B
Wurtembur............. 1,818,500...171. , .        7,533 ....... 241.4,.. S

CAPITALS.         Population. J    Prevallgl,
:In ......  ......1,64,800.. Buddhic ....... I
don ......  ...... 3,251,800 . Protestant...... I
Petersburg    .... 667.000.. Greek Church.. 
5hington......... ..109,199.. Protestant ...... I
Is ................. ... 1,825,300.. Catholic ......... I
ina ................. 838,900.. Catholic ......... I
do................ ..1.,549   . Budd     ........

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