26INSO                        POT     CETIABCVR.
BTh  Yple it 4I I ige It waves,
Upon   arefu  obse vatio ,  it   ill b  seen  A nthur  .renasthe o ck.m "
that      two   fli 5 tS andimiimS i w  in i tvuae d e a line ofil rhyhmi
with hads and eet: acenting t regulrfinter
AndE c6t  I e sthEki the wn I did bl&w, s
val crtinsylale, husgiin  te        ieir  n  re h r onhe tcam thowen."i~.
muialacopnm whih makes poetryX at-     ~       oeemo~~ $ig~aemper ovd
Ther arefoukind of eetin Eglis ve s kn For aie Into der I ly16vd 6ris amInly s6ug,d
that~~~1ot we always,accent thscodsylalei
readingthe sam; as 1 Beh6ld how grat."   hart I i sdd, hion6pew bIies n,Is ligh IIpssd
sylabes wih heacet on theirstylbe; aws         IAMBI.-Seven feet.
Z~itefnot The 06 £I y hill, I th yhdi l and, I nwith cuItless
The Anapest has  the is  w  ylbes nc   bead~ I hnt vie s sin;
cented,~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~N an  h  at cetd a 1Oe teUdTe thge, tlhte soemr shde, poa o thoer udivie."a
The-Dctl onais hre sllbls,wih he'fet; thuabs,a olw.
accet onthefirs; a d4rble brder0 Te lofye pele, the hurbl ban,
AdWith cutleb auties sine;
Metrs                                            Th sien grove the~n  solem  shade,
Prflao th unoer divin."
Verse sals naed acordi- to the number
offet n ac lne a. fo t  Imic eing two       8Z-I,,A-Eigt fetw.
syllble.Mnoter sh able  onefootdi- 0. all   I  y6 peo 1, la 6u ands, oI ean  ies tium
metr,oftw  fet timter o tre fet t-  he vOice ,ol si neg o prigdy
tramter,of fur fet; entaeter of ive eet;No frcethe loigt poe'withstandy of Gr the  univrsa
hexameter,h ofug                            ma sixwr&l,d   hiet  wep aaeey wfs veay,; ig
NoTd.- eves cmoteet to dreess vendto lins. o
Examles                        And ith riumpha voieso stin, tu
N o   force  t   m . . . . . . .. ..  ..i w
The ~ ~   ~      ~      ~     ~      ~       folwn exmpe rereen th Iabc  Of Go h nvraig,
Trochaic,~~~ Anpste and Datyie in th ifr
en  id  fmtr  taih  ie()oe          t   nzaLn,Sot n    omnMtr
sy la le  sh w  tiiiiiiiilaiiiiti suiici sy la l  is  acce ted   A iisiiiiii tiiiiaiinzaiil iiiiiiiii is  aiiicoi  bi at i onilIlii oifiiIiiil  sev ra iiiiEllinesi                                          in iii
A                                      curved     ............. (-)  indicate  th  ............ poe ry  f r i g a d s nc d iiion  oiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiii£iiiiiiiiil iiiiiiiem i
I A M B I Ciiiiiiiii  illil ililli . -i iiii!iiiiiiiiiii iiii iiiiiiiiil O n e... f o o t .iiliii t h u s , -i iiiii iiiiiil!iiii iiiiiiiiiii!liii! iiiiiiili
T hey  g6ii               T hei  curfeii  toiiiii iiil  li iiii  i iiliiiiiiii  !i  iil ls  the  kn l  ofi p r in day, il!iiiii i iiii !iiii  iiiiii iiii)
T o!iiiiiilisiiaw .i"i  iiT  he  low ingii   berdi   w indsi  slow ly  o'er  the  lea,i =                          =                  £ ==                                =
Theiiiiiii£iii!iiiiipil oughma  homewar  plods h i: ii   i s  weary  way,iiiiiliiiii  iiiii£iiiiiiiii
IAMBIC.iTwolfet.i            An iliii l eaves thei  worldiiliiiiiliiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiii tiiiii dak esan om .
T 6  m eiiiii           iiIiiiiiiii£iiiitb 6  r6 se  ....   iliiiiiiiiiii£iAiiiiiiiiiiiiriise .iiilii
N o11111111111111111111.1111111111 11 =1111 l o n giiei g l o s ,  V e r s e  i s  b u t  aii s i n c rl e  l i n e  o fi aiiii s t a z a   t h u s , - ii  iliiiii  ii
T h eirilliiii l6 v  Ii 9 n d   a w e  6i I  iii ii..  !iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii  iiiiiiiiii iilii iil!iiii iiiiiiii i liii iii il  l iili
Suppliy iitiiel law .  Tlii    e  curfe  tolls tliei  kneill  of   ri ng liii  day,"iii iii i lii iii!i!i ii iii iiii ii iii!i iiii iii l ii i