previous to the meeting, with the understanding
that they will be present.
Selection of Chairman.
Half or three-quarters of an hour is usually
given from the time when the meeting is
appointed, for general conversation, while the
audience is assembling.  At half-past seven,
Win. Jones steps forward, apd says:
"The meeting will please come to order."
As soon as the audience becomes still, Mr.
Jones continues:
"I move that Samuel Lockwood act as Presi-
dent of this meeting."
Mr. Arthur Belden says:
"I second the motion."
Then, Mr. Jones puts the question thus:
"It has been moved and seconded, that Mr,
Samuel Lockwood act as President of this meet-
ing. All in favor of the motion w'll manifest
the same by saying, ' Aye.'"
As soon as the affirmative vote has been
expressed, he will say:
"Those who are opposed will say,    " No.'
If the "Ayes" predominate, he will say:
"The Ayes' have it. Mr. Lockwood will
take the chair."
If, however, the ' Noes' are in the majority,
he will say:
"The ' Noes' have it ; the motion is lost."
Thereupon, he will nominate another person,
or put the question upon the nomination of
some one else.*
As soon as the chairman is chosen, he will
take his place.
Anointment of Secretary.

The meeting is now organized. The Chair-
man will direct the Secretary to read the call,
or, if a copy of the call is not to be obtained, he
will ask one of the projectors to state the object
of the meeting.

"You have heard the call, and understand its
object ; what is the further pleasure of the
meeting ?"
Mr. Jones, thereupon, says:
"I move that a Committee of three be ap-
pointed by the chair to draft resolutions express-
ive of the sense of this meeting."
This is seconded.
The Chairman then says:
"Gentlemen, you have heard the motion;
are you ready for the question ?"
If any one desires to speak against the motion,
or has any remark to make, he arises, and says:
"Mr. Chairman."
The Chairman turns towards the speaker, and
listens to him, and each in succession. When
they are all done, or in case no one responds to
the call, he puts the question in the previous
form, and declares the result.
Committee on Reslutions
The resolution being adopted, the Chairman
"1I will appoint as such Committee-William
Jones, Albert Hawkins, and Henry Peabody."