Desiring that Difference of Opinion about Provisions o1
the Will be Settled by Arbitrators.
It is my desire that, if any dispute, question, or controvers
shall happen, concerning any bequest or other matter in thi
my will, such question shall be referred to the arbitration
my friends, A. D. and C. L., with provision for them to choos
an umpire ;.but should they not be able to act in the matte
then I desire that my wife and eldest son shall each appoint a
arbitrator or arbitrators, with the power of choosing a thir
arbitrator; and what a majority of them shall determin
therein, shall e binding upon all and every person or person
therein concerned.

have the Custody of the
a Guardian In Case

minority; E


A subscription heading shonld be written scribed. I
very plainly and as briefly as may be and ex- the circum,
press the object for which the money is sub- I idea of the

Form of a Subscription Heading.

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