ABSTRACT OF STATE LAWS RELATING TO EXEMPTIONS FROA FORCED SALE.                                                175
Utah.-Hom      wort $1,000, and Personal Property. To ech   ! apparel. grivate libraries, family pictures and keepsakes; to each
threbr  tliel fmritu $250. -To the head of the family Is allowed a  househol er, one bed and edding, and oneladditlonal bed and  eddind
homeste   not exceeding In value $1,000 to be selected by tie debtor,  for evev two additional members of the faily and other h hold
and personal property to the value of $700 or more, according to the  goods of the coin value of $1,500; two cows and their calves, five swinel
value of articles exeinpt by statute' aside from the homestead each  two stands of bees, twenty-five domestic fowls, and provisions and fuel
member of the family is allowed $2h0. No property shall lie exempt  for six months. To a farmer, one span of horses and harness, or two
from sale on a judgment received for its price, on a mechanic's lie, or   yoke of oxen, and one wagon, with farming utensils not exceeding $200
amortgage thereon,                                                coin value. To attorneys and clergymen their libraries valued at not
to exceed $500, with office furniture and fiel. Small boats and firearms
Vermont - Hame worth $500 end Personal Property. - Home-         ep ftforuse noexceedin $50in con vaue; ptes enga ed in light-
stead to the vasue of $500, and products; such suitable apparel, bed-  ering, two lghter and a small boat, valued at $250; th%e team of a
dlng tools, arms, and articles of furniture as may be necessary for up-  drayman.
hotluglife; one sewing machine kept for use; one cow, the best swine,
or the meat of one swine- ten sheep. and one year's product of said W iscolsi n. -Farmoof Forty Acres, or House and Lot in Village
sheep in wool, yarn or cloh; forage sufficient for keeplug not exceed-  OrGty, and  ersonal Property. -A homestead consisting of any quan-
Ig ten sheep and one cow through one winter; ten cords of firewood,  tity of land not exceedin forty a   ud for agiulua
tweny. bushels of potatoes; such military arms and accoutrements as  andte dwelling house tnereon and it appurtenaces,  b
the debtor is required by law to furnish; all growing crops, ten bushels by the owner thereof, and not included in any town plat, or city, or vil-
of grain, one barrel of flour, three swarms of bees and hives, together  la, or instead thereof at the option of the owner,a --ti of land
with their produce in honey; two hundred pounds of sugar, and all let-  n dt ex In ,&mout one-fourth of.an acre, being with  a recorded
tered gravestones; the Bibles and ail other books used  n u family; one  town plat, or cm, or vollne, -nd the dwelling-house theren, and. Its
rew or slip in &meeting house or place of religious worship; live poul-porciy, ore      a nd o edwel.ng-hse  theeon, ai
fynot exceeding in amount or value the sumn of $10 t e  ofesslacsiondadocuienyanaeienlfth                           tte  hl
books nd eceintrumn t  lus eas, a   $n 0 the profeona oi  n t be subject to forced sale on execution, or any other final process
books and instruments of physicians, and the  ro essional booksof  fomacourt, for any debt or liability contracted after January1, 1849.
clergymen and attorneys at law, to the value of $&; arid also one yoke  Pamily Bible, fa   pictures, or school books; library of debtor, but
of oxen or steers, as the debtor may select, or two horses, kept and used  not circulating libraries; wearing apparel of debtor and f amily' all
for te%m work, and such as the debtor may select, in lieu of oxen or  stoves put up and kept for use, al cooking utensils, and all a her
steers, but not exceeding in value the sum of $200, with sufficient for- household furniture not herein enumerated, not exceediug $200 in
age for the keepin of thesame through the Winter; provided, however, value; two cows, ten swine, one yoke of oxen and onehorse, or a span
the exemption, as to one yoke of oxen or steers, and the forage there-  of horses or mules; ten sheep and the wool from same, either raw or
for, is not to extend to any attachment issued on any contr  made  manufactured; the necessary food for above stock for a year's sup-
on or before the twenty-first day of November, 1859, or the exem tio  port; one wagon, cart, or dray, one sleigh, one plow, one drag, and
as to two horses and the forage therefor, on or before the first (ayof  other farming utensils, including tackle for teams, not exceeding 150 In
December, 1866, or any execution issued on a judgment founded on any  value' provisions and fuel for one year; tools and implements or stock
such Contract.                                                    in trae of a mechanic or miner, or other person, not exceeding S200
In value; library or implements of any professional man not exceeding
Virgi i  a. - Home and Personal Property, $2,000. -Every house-  $200 in value; all moneys from insurance of exempt property; earnings
holder or head of a family shall be entitled to hold exempt from  of all persons for sixty days next preceding the Issuing of any process;
levy his real and personal property, or either, including money or  all sewing machines kept for use; any swords, plate, books, or other
debts due him, to a value not exceeding $2,000, to be selected by him.  articles, presented by Congress or the members thereof.
The personal property exempted is defined by the statute of the State.
Wh   omIg Tome        wrt $1          illaeoa orciyoprty an no
West VIrgi n i a.-Home wor      $1,000, an d Personal Property.-  homestead consisting of a house aind lot'i a village or ct  r  nd er no.-t
Homestead to the value of $1,000 is exempt, where the property of that  exefy one hundred and sixty acres, the value not In ektor case ax-
value is devised or granted to debtor, being a husband or parent, and  ceeding 1S  is allowed to a householder ocupyIng the same. Also
resident in the State, as a homestead; and where he previously to con-  the follwing  roperty of a householder being the head of a family, Is
tracting the debt or liability has placed a declaration of hil ntention  exempt. Wearing apparel, family Bibles, pictures, school books, cem-
to keep the property as a homestead on the land records of the county etery lots, beddng, iurniture, provisions, and such other articles as the
In which the real estate is situate. Personal property to the value of debtor may select, not exceeding In value $500. Tools, team, or stock.
$300 is also exempted, provided debtor is a resident and a parent.  in trade of a mechanic, miner, or other person, kept and used for the
purpose of carrying on his business or trade, not exceeding $300, are
Washington Territory.--Hoe worth A$1000, and Per-               exempt. Library, lnstruments and Implements of any professional
creoPrn pert.- To eaeh householder, being the hsa of ,a famila  mal, worth not more than $800. The person claiming exemption must
homestead worth $1,000, while occupied by such family. All wearing  be  a  Ad resident of the territory.
The following system of Measures and Weights, owing to itscoi    Its use has also been legalized in the United States, and Its ultimate
phete decimal character, and the consequent freedom from labor It  adopin, as a uniform sysem of mesurmect and weight by all the
affords in calculation, by converting one denomination into another,  civi ized countries, it is believed, will be only a matter of ime.
has been adopted by most European nations.
MEASURES OF CAPACITY.                                                          WEICHTS.
Dryl leag'eI  Liqztid Meesure.                                  Weight or quantity Equiv. in5 EnyI 91hW,i I
"                                                      of water at maxi-  Troy   Avoird. Pound
Peck B u.uGllls. Pintsl Qts. als,                                  m   density.   Grais. Ounces.
Decilitre..   of alitre .O...........   .  ..        MentIgramme..      of agramme. 1 millimetre ...... 154     ........... .........
Cenilitre.,-- of a litre ...... .......0 76.,....  Celllgrammlle.. 5~ of a grammle. 10 millimetre, .... 154.......... ..........
Litre ..... t.f..p-                                  Dcigramne... _     of agramme.I cubic centimetre. 1.54 .. .........
ity ......................G..... 1.76 0.88  0.22 1ramme........  Unit of weight.......  1 cubic decimetre. 16.48....... ..
Dek    ame..        10 grammes.. 10cubicdecimetre. .......... .3   ...........