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Privileged Questions.
Parliamentary usage has determined that when a question
is being debated, no motion shall be received except the fol-
lowing, which are termed "privileged questions," and come in
the following order:
ist. A question having been moved, seconded, and put by
the chair, must be decided by a vote of the assembly before
anything else is in order.
2d. A motion to adjourn takes precedence over all others,
for the reason that, otherwise, the assembly might be compelled
to continue in session, without such motion, an indefinite time
against its will. This question, however, cannot be enter-
tained after a question has been actually put. and while the
members of the meeting are voting upon the same.
3d. An order of the day stands next in precedence. That
is, a question that has been postponed to a certain hour;
should the person interested in .the question move that it be
taken up and disposed of then, such motion is in order. Thus,
if a question has been postponed to 9 o'clock, and at that time
it is moved to take up that question, even though there be an-
other question before the house, that motion must be received
by the chair.
4th. The previous question stands next in order, and when
moved and seconded, must be put. This question admits of
no lesser motion, such as amendment or postponement to a
certain time.