Reply More Favorable.
35 - ST., June 10, 1


MR. BARwx,
Dear Sir:
I am In receipt of yoir note, and must confess that
am surprised at your request. I am entirely opposed to commencinu
on general principles, an acquaintance with such an introductiom ar
consider it very improper, especially to allow it to originate I
church durlngthe hours of divine servlce. WereitnotthatIthlnkyol
meaning kind and your Intentions good, I would return your lett,
unanswered. As It is, I will take your request uider consideratio.
and. it I think best to grant it, you may know of the fact by ry
recognition 'at the close of the service in the Sabbath school.

An Advertisement in a Morning Paper.
DERSONAL. -Will the ladY who rode up Broadway last Thursday
iT afternoon about two o'clOCk, In an omnibug, getting Out at
Stewart's, accompanied by a little girl dressed In blue suit, please
send her address to D. B. M.J Herald office.
It is useless to advise people never to reply to
a personal advertisement like the above. To do
so is like totally refusing young people the priv-
ilege of dancing. People will dance, and they
will answer personal advertisements. The best
course, therefore, is to properly direct the dan-
cers, and caution the writers in their answers
to newspaper personals. If the eye of the
young lady referred to meets the above adver-

It is C


D. B. M.:
I find the above
morning. I suppose myself
please state your object in ac
It is probable tha
man, will reply, giN
ing the lady's ad'
receiving which, t]
choose r6lative to
ence ; in either casi
in Do wise comprolu
tains the advantage
rnhi,et that Trnmnt