ITE ability to make an off-hand
speech without the aid of manu-
script, at once entertaining and
instructive, is an accomplish-
ment very much to be desired,
and is one that can be acquired
in most cases by the man or
woman of average talent, who
has the requisite amount of training for this
purpose, accompanied by the necessary oppor-
tunities for intellectual culture. Such being the
fact, the following suggestions may be oppor-
tune, as giving an outline of the requisites
necessary for the production of a yeady speaker.
First. The foundation of the discourse should
be thoroughly fixed in the mind, and the order
of succession in which the arguments are to
,Second. These should be so arranged that
one thought should be the natural outgrowth
of the other, and each idea should be so dis-
tinctlv marked out as to be in readiness the mo-

speaker should vividly fcel all
sign to speak, in order that clear
Kpressed. The mind should not,
) absorbed with the subject in
-vent its acting readily in the
f the topic under consideration.

Fifth. The f

and ready use of
test imDortance to

writers who excel in imaginativ
To hold up before the audience a
outline of the subject in hand,
picture in fitting language so vi,
auditors will delightedly follow
step by step, is the distinguishing
the off-hand speaker. With ma
real talent, the powers of imagina
slowly to hold the attention of
This hindrance, however, can be
come by practice.
Sixth. The difficulty of embarra
afflicts some people upon public -
overcome by practice, and by havi
distinct understanding of what
which consciousness tends to gi
and self-poss3ssion. To obtain
present this clear conception of t1,
speaker should study logic, geom(
dred subjects, that arrive at conclu
a process of analytical reasoning.
should be able to think metho(
able to decompose his thoughts
analyze these into their elements,
regather, and concentrate these ag
ner such as will clearly illustrate tI
to be conveyed.