ComthImentary addres-s.

Body of the Letter.
.. . ..   . . . .................... - - -  . ...........................

. Comlimetarvclosing.



Purity of Expression.
mind the importance, ir
, of using always the mo,


a rule, howeveI
containinL iust

be examined, thought of, laugh-
ed over and commented on; and
when you suppose it has long
since been destroyed, it may be
brought forth, placed in type,
and published broadcast to mil-
lions of readers.
When, in after years, the letter
you now write is given to the
world, will there be a word, an
expression, in the same that you
would blush to see in print?
Write in the spirit of cheer-
fulness. It is unkind to the
correspondent to fill the sheet
with petty complainings, though
there are occasions when the
heart filled with grief may con-
fide all its troubles and sorrows
to the near friend, and receive
in return a letter of sympathy
and condolence, containing all
the consolation it is possible for
the written missive to convey.
The length of letters will
depend upon circumstances. As
r, business letters should be short,
what is necessary to be said, and

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