SUBJECTS FOR LOCAL NEWS.                             229j

Important Reportorial Qualifications.
The reporter should be truthfuL In writing
of any event, great care should be taken to state
the actual facts. To do this, the reporter should
possess the energy to go to the scene of action,
if possible, himself, and learn the exact condi-
tion of affairs. It is often unsafe to depend
upon hearsay.
The reporter should carefully guard against
allowing his-own opinions to warp or bias his
report of the sayings or doings of others, thus
giving, almost without his being conscious of
the fact, an untruthful representation. A plain,
unvarnished report should be made, and nothing
Much discretion should be exercised in the
personal mention of individuals.   A   dozen
words, thoughtlessly written, may do irreparable
injury to the reputation of an innocent person:
a paragraph in praise may add to the life-long
happiness and prosperity of the individual upon
whom it is bestowed. As a general rule, while
praise may be personally given, if wrongs exist,
it is better to speak of them in general terms,
rather than couple them with names of the
individuals at fault; though, if the person be
notoriously persistent in a course of wrong
doing, justice demands newspaper exposure.
Subjects of Local and General Interest.
For the advantage of the ine&perienced writer,
making record of home news, the following par-
tial list is viven, containinv subiects of general

Churches. -Change of pastors, revivals, election of
church officers, etc.
Dissolutions of Partnership.- Names of parties,
where going, what to do.
Deaths. - Who, when, where, cause.
Discoveries. - Of curiosities, or anything new or valu-
Distinguished Arrivals. - At the hotels or else-
Divorces. - Who, when, where, cause. When and where
Elopements. - Names of parties and circumstances.
Election Intelligence. - Election takes place when,
candidates to be, or are elected, etc.
Fires. - Whose property, when, where, cause, amount of
insurance, names of companies insured in.
Facts and Figures. - Concerning any product raised
in the vicinity, amount sold, profits, etc.
Festivals. - Held by whom, for what object, amount
realized, etc.
Improvements. - By whom, where, and costs.
Inventions. - Patents granted to whom, what for, nature
of the improvement.
Lectures. - Past, or to come; when, where, by whom,
substance of what was said,
Marriages.- Who, when, where, by whom married,
where gone on bridal tour.
Murders.- When, where, who, by whom, object of the
murder, circumstances.
New   Comers.- Their business, where located, where
from, etc.
* New Manufactures. - In prospect, when, where, by
whom established, kind, etc.
New Buildings. - To be or built, erected by whom,
for what purpose, cost, etc.
Price of Staple Commodities.- In the market,
prospect for the future, etc.
Parties Leaving Town.-Who, when, where going,
business going into.
Presentations. - By whom, to whom, where given,
what presented, why.