A MONG the delightful titbits that afford
mvariety and            merriment on certain festal
occasions, may be toasts and sentiments, thus:
For a Christmas Dinner.
"Christmas hospitality: And the ladies who make it delightful by
their mWeinj ways."
"The sports of the holidays: Sleighing the Dears, aud taking com
fort among the Buffaloes."
For-the Thanksgiving Festival.
"Our opinion on the Eastern Question: We agree with Russia, that
TW*_ey ought to be gobbled."
"The hearth of our venerable host: Although an American citizen,
he is one of the best Grand Seniors that ever presided over Turkey."
"Thanksgiving: The magnetic festival that brings back erratic wan-
derers to the Old Folks at Home."
"The thanksgiving board: While it groanR with plenty within, who
cares for the whistling of the wind without."
"Thanksgiving: The religious and social festival that converts every
family mansion into a Family Meeting House."
For the Fourth of July.
"The American Eagle :The older he grows the louder he screams,
and the higher he flies."
"The Union of the States, and the Union of the Sexes:The one was
the beginning of man's independence, the other is the end of it."
"Our Standard Sheet: It has often been badly angled, and tlrribly
scorched, but is, nevertheless, the noblest sheet that ever covered a
hero on the bed of glory."

"The Wooden Wedding of our Friends: And may all the children be
Chips of te old block."
"The Hero and Heroine of this Wooden Fcstival: May they flourish
like green bay trees in thcir youth, and retain all their pU when they
become elders."
For the Tin Wedding.
"The Golden Rule of Matrimony: Marry the first time Lor love-the
second time for Tin."
"The Fair Bride: She blushed at her first marriage, but she shows
morc metal to-day."
"Tin Weddings: And the bright reflections to which they give rise."
For the Crystal Wedding.
"Crystal Weddings: The medium through which the bliss of endur-
ing affection is vwgnoed, reflected, and made traWparent to every-
"The fifteenth year of Wedlock: A matrimonial Stage, chiefly re-
markable for its Temblers."
1Our Hospitable Hosteps: And may it never be her fateto look on
life 'as through a glass darkly.' "
"The New Married Couple: They will not find the friendship of
their friends as brittle as their gifts."

"A quarter of a cen

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