MARRIIGE ANNIVERSARIES.                    Bills of Exchang .-Set of Foreign Bill of Exchange,
Glid, Silver, and Other Weddings,-At What Time            -Drafts,                                          148-
Comes the Cottoni Wedding,-The Paper,-Thte             Form of a Bank Draft,-SighL Draft,-Time Draft,
Leather,-The Wooden,-The Woolen,-The Tin,                -Acceptance,-Days of Grace,                      149
-The Sik,-The Crystal,-The China,-The Sil-                                BO    -KEENC.
ver,-The Pearl,-The Ruby,-The Golden, and             Rules, Directions, and Forms for Keeping Books of
the Diamond Wedding,-Form of Note of Invita-             Acut,                                           ISO-
ion o       the Silk Wedding.              -      32                          ORDERS.
Ivitation to the Crystal Wedding,-Invitation to the
China Wedding,-Invitation to the Silver Wed-           For Money,-For Merchandise,-For Merchandise,
ding -Invitation to the Golden Wedding,    -     133     not Exceeding in Value a Certain Specified Sum,
-For Goods Stored,                                152
General Directions,-Written Note of Invitation to        For   oney on Account--In Full of All Demands,
an Intimate Friend,     ..           .     -       4     In Full of All Accounts,-For Money Advanced on
Invitation to a Lawn Soiree,-Invitation to an Even-        Contract,-For Rent,-For a Note,-For a Note
in, Party,-Answer Declinng the Invitation,-             o     t        n.                  .
Invitation to a Dinner Party,-Answer Accepting
the Invitation,-Answer Declining the Invitation,                       BILLS OF PURCH
-Invitation to a Halloween Party, -Invitation to       Forms of Bills of Purchase,-Bill of Goods Paid and
an Evening Party, Dancing and Refreshments               Receipted,-Bill of Goods Payable by Note in
Specified, -     .      -     -                  i35     Thirty Days,     -                               1 -  -  -  153
Familiar Invitation to a Wodding,-Answer Accept-                      ARTICLES OF ACREEMENT.
ing,-Answer Declining the Invitation,-Party for        General Definition,-Common Form of Agreement,      154
a Young Lady,-Invitation to a Picnic,-Invitation       Article of Agreement for Warranty Deed,-Agreement
to a Ball,--Invitation to a Festival,            136     with Clerk for Services,-Agreement for Building a
FUNERAL NOTICE.                          Hcluse,                                           1 - - - 55
General Remas,-                        -     -     136   Agreement for Sale and Delivery of Personal Propery,  156
VISITING AND BUSINESS CARDS.                                      SILLS OF SALE.
GeneralDiret,-H     band's Ca   -Wife's C ,           General Definition,-Conmon Form of Bill of Sale,  i6
ughters Cl Wedding, Autil of Sale of Personal Property,                                -      -      -    157
and Business Cards,                  -     -     137                            ONDS.
Form for a Profssional Card,-Business Card-             General Definition,-Common Form of Bond,-Boid
Large Ornamental Business Card,-Card Contain-            of the Cashier of a Bank, -          -            r57
iug Two Advertisements,-Mouming Card,      -     138   Bond to a Corporation.    -             .    -     158
COMMERCIAL FORMS.                                            MORTCACES.
Definition of Commercl Terms -Promissory Notes,    139   General Definition,-Form of a Chattel Mortgage, -  158
The Law Relating to Promissory Notes.-Negotiable  .      Remarks,-Real Estate Mortgage to Secure Payment
Notes ,    -            -                        14      of Money,        -                   -      -    159-
Form of Note for Pennsylvania and New Jersey,-           Proxy,       -      .     .            -      .     60
Note not Negotiable,-Note of Two or More Per-
sona6-Nte on Demand,                            141                           DEEDS.
Joint Note,-Note Payable in Installments,-Judg-          The Law of Different States Relating to Deeds,-
ment Note,-Note in Missouri,-Note Payable in             Form of Warranty Deed, with Covenants,      -     16o
MerchandseDe        Bills, -               -      4    Quit-Claim Deed,-Long Form of Quit-Claim Deed,
Abstract of State Laws, Giving Rate of Interest,           with Homestead Waiver, -                          1-  -  i6
Penalty for Usury, and Limitation of Actions,  -  143  Release,     ..                  .      .    ..     162
INTEREST TABLES.                                      LANDLORD AND TENANT.
How to Compute Interest at Any Rate per Cent,  - 144-145  The Law Relating to Leasing Property,  -
BANK FORMS.                          Short Form of a Lease for a House,-Lease of a
ADwelling for a Term of Years, with Covenant not
Importance of Keeping a Bank Account-Deposit             to Sublet,-Lease of Farm and Buildings thereon,   r63
Ticket,-The Pass.Book,                           1   .  146  Landlord's  Agreement, - Tenant's  Agreement,
Form of a Check Book,   1-      -           - -    47      Notice to Quit,-Tenant's Notice of Leaving,  -   164