"Boys are strong and girls are weak,                   And look at the beauty of sunset skies,
AndI ll carry, so I will,                            And the sweeter beauty of your sweet eyes.
Katie's basket up the hill."                          Never again! for the dream is done
Katie answered with a laugh,                         That a word, and a look, and a touch begi
" You shallionl carry half;"                           Loe ifw    lascud ra,al hn
And then,    ng back her c-urls,                      The words are as sad as "it might have b
" Boys are weak as well as girls."
Do you think that Katie guessed                       For us, there is nothing but memory,
Half the wisdom she expressed ?                       In the coming days, of what cauMnot hel
Men areony boysgrown tall;                           Love, you are near me, and yet as far
Hearts don't change much after all;                  As the round earth is from the furt  st
And when, long years from that day,
Katie Lee and Willie Gray                             Kiss me and smile in my eyes once more,
Stood again beside the brook,                         Tho' your lips should quiver, and tears run
Bending like a shepherd's crook-                      Put your hand in mine for one moment, on
Is it strange thalWillie said-                      And then, good-bye, for the dream is done
While aga   dash of red
Crossed the brownness of his cheek -
"I am strong and you are weak                             IF I SHOULD DIE TO-NIGHT.
Life is but a slippery steep,
Hung with shadows cold and deep.               F I suld die to-night,
My friends would look upon my quiet. face
Walk    rbeside me without fear?                Before they laid it in its resting-place,
May I carry, if I will,                          And deem that death had left it almost fair;
All your burdens up the hill                     And, laying snow-wite flowers against my hair
Would smooth it down with tearful tenderness,
And she answered with a laugh,                   And fold my hands with lingering caress;
"No, but you may carry half."                      Poor hands, so empty and so cold to.night